> -----Original Message-----
> Jim, you are not trying to use VT100.CO with REX are you?  They are
> not compatible. ..Steve

I'm using it in a machine which has a REXCPM in it, but I unload the REX hooks 
with Ctrl-X and power-cycle before invoking VT100.CO - this always worked with 
the previous version of VT100.CO so I concluded when you said it wasn't 
compatible with REX that it just wouldn't work while the REX manager hooks were 
in place.  Are you saying even with REX hooks unloaded it won't work, that the 
REX has to be physically removed from the socket?  (If that's the case, I could 
try it in another machine that has REX classic so I can get VT100.CO in there, 
unhook REX, pull it from the socket, and then try it... or does VT100.CO have 
to be loaded into a totally virgin cold-booted machine?)


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