ASCII pixels?

Ken , what is the latest on ASCII pixels?

On Tuesday, December 29, 2020, Hiraghm <> wrote:

> Awhile back, someone in the list was talking about fast display routines
> for the Model T.
> I know the LCD is slow in displaying graphics, but I was wondering if
> anyone could share some assembly language examples of fast display writes.
> The Model T doesn't have a bitmap mode, and even if it did, screen writes
> would still be slow.
> I was watching this video by the 8-bit guy concerning his new "Attack of
> the PETSCII Robots" game, where he explained redefining characters to make
> the graphics for the PET, Vic-20 and C64.
> Attack of the PETSCII Robots part 2
> <>
> I'm pretty sure you can't do that with the Model T unless you have a REX,
> and maybe not even then.
> Now, the Model T does have graphics characters, but to move a "sprite" on
> the screen smoothly would involve, I believe, a lot of calculation as to
> what graphics characters to use and when.
> I've limited my game ambitions thus far to text or strategy (Oregon Trail
> rewritten to "Organ Trail"; a port of a C64 Master of Orion type game,
> "Reach for the Stars", which used * for stars). Still working on both).
> But that game of his makes me want to do more graphical games without
> substituting ascii characters a la rogue.
> Even a 4 character sprite rather than the 9 characters he uses would be
> good if it could be written fast enough.
> Being able to create a condense font as view80 does would also be very
> handy.
> So I'm hoping someone out there has learned some tricks for quick graphics?
> I'm reading the Hidden Powers book, but am still scratching my head a bit
> about writing to the display.
> Thanks for any info or advice.

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