If you end up making this as an actual font, I would love to get a copy.


> On Jan 28, 2021, at 16:09, Tom Wilson <wilso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, the file works with my Commodore font editor!  =)  I'm totally going to 
> add this as an optional font in my terminal emulator. 
> <image.png>
> Tom Wilson
> wilso...@gmail.com
> (619)940-6311 
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 1:53 PM Jim Anderson <jim.ander...@kpu.ca> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > If you're going to do that much, then I will grab some more pics with a
> > better camera and a tripod so my hand isn't moving, and manual focus.
> > Maybe even a good straight-on centered shot without glare from the room
> > lights. Maybe with manual controls I can get a shot in the dark without
> > the text blooming.
> You know what, I realize that I went straight to that screen photo image 
> because I was looking for a clear image that had my X<char>X pattern in 
> 80-column mode... and it's really not so blurry, but the capture in 
> "Snapshot_20210127_233755.jpg" is sharper and does have the full character 
> set showing.  Even though they're flanked by square brackets I think I can 
> work with it.  (the square brackets don't go to the full left and right 
> extent of the character cell, that's why I used X.)  Don't worry about going 
> to any trouble for a sharper screen photo.  For my cleanup/rescaling of the 
> original font I've been working off a handheld iphone photo of my monitor.
> I also whipped something up to display the ROM data as large block pixels for 
> an absolute reference to the original intended shapes so I think I've got 
> everything I need (except time) :)
>         jim

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