On 8/28/21 2:27 PM, Peter Noeth wrote:
A printed wall calendar was one of my first TRS-80 16K Model 1 Level II (then a 48K with expansion Interface) programs after I designed an interface to the IBM Selectric I/O Writer I purchased as surplus where I was working at the time. I could never get the bizarre algorithm correct to calculate the religious Easter observance date though. The other holidays were no problem.

Easter (according to Wikipedia):

Y = Year
D = (19*(Y mod 19) + 15) mod 30 + (2 * (Y mod 4) + 4 * (Y mod 7) - (19*(Y mod 19) + 15) mod 30) + 34) mod 7 + 127

Month = floor( D / 31)
Day = (D mod 31) + 1

What, that didn't just roll off the top of your head back in the 80's?   :D


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