Bob Pigford and I both wrote DOS/Win tokenizer programs some years ago. My
version (entoke.exe) is in my personal folder on the Club100 site; someone
(Jake?) had volunteered to convert all the mislabelled .BA files on Club100
but when he lost interest so did I, so  there may still be one or two very
rare conditions where it gets confused.

It does one program at a time; use one of the various batch methods in DOS
or Windows to run it across an entire folder.

There is a complementary de-tokenizer in the Club100 programs section
somewhere; I recall many happy hours batch converting folders of .DO type
files to .BA and back again for batch comparison with the original.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 3:20 PM AvantGuard Systems <> wrote:

> Has anyone figured a good way to recompile multiple BA files into their
> proper format. What I mean is, we can take the BA files, rename them DO
> files, load them into M100 and save them as BA files and then run them.
> Pain in the .....
> I would think using VirtualT someone has figured out a sure fire way to
> just recompile all BA files to their proper format, so we can then just
> load them into the M100.
> This would be ideal with Birt's Backpack. Then I can just put all the
> proper BA files on it, load them and run them.
> Thanks!
>  Curtis

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