Thanks again for all of the great suggestions to my "getting started"
questions. I've already got a perfect cable in hand and working with TEXT
and TELCOM connecting to HyperTerminal on my Windows PC. That alone has
saved me so much manual work. I can easily send from PC->M100 BASIC code
saved as text/ASCII as a .DO file and then copy/paste right into BASIC, as
long as the line numbers are respected between the copy and target basic

I have a REX# on order, and should be good until stock on Backpack drives
is replenished.

I have searched around and can't really seem to find a good, comprehensive
software archive for the M100 and related. For example, the TRS-80 Color
Computer has a very good archive with hundreds of titles in disk, cassette
and ROMPak formats, with heaps of books, documents and documentation. I am
having trouble finding something like that for the M100. Is there a
copyright issue, or is the CoCo user base just simply more active?

Thanks in advance.

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