The possibility of having a wrong main rom installed didn't even occur to me. That is like a huge variable that throws everything else out the window and all bets are off. Patching for y2k is one thing, but you can't just pop the US rom in a UK machine. The only mis-match you can really get away with is you can safely run a T102 rom on a M100 (of the same country)

However someone did just recently actually hack a US rom to work on a UK machine, as well as squeezing TEENY into it somehow.

They didn't post the rom itself anywhere in that twitter thread that I saw anyway, but they did on their facebook post give a link to a copy on bitchin100

So if you have UK hardware and for whatever reason don't want to run it's correct rom, (for instance, because REX only supports US/NA machines) you may possibly be able to run this one since it just happens to also target UK hardware. Though I'm not sure if that one works with REX or REX# either. If they had a REX or REX#, then I presume they wouldn't have been very motivated to build TEENY into the main rom since they'd have the even better TS-DOS in option rom already. It purports to be specifically compatible with US software that needs a US main rom, so maybe.

But if what you have right now is a UK hardware with a normal US main rom, then you can't expect it to work. If it runs at all, it's just lucky. Any problems are to be completely expected.


On 4/14/22 10:15, Cedric Amand wrote:
Just wanted to post an update about my recent issues.
As I kinda suspected, not knowing the history behind my M102 with a REX# (that I bought "as is"), has been a huge hassle. After trying to play with ROMs today, suffering from many crashes, CRC errors, and such, the M102 suddenly lost all it's RAM, including my files, the time was lost, and the REXMGR vanished.
It was back in january 2000 and l lost all of my stuff.
Luckily I did use REX to save a memory dump a couple of days ago.
Now... Having an empty M102 ( not my doing ) I thought "ho , hell ; let's go for it" and I did a complete reset, and reinstalled the REX software from scratch, then made an update from 2.0 to 2.1/ (all of that with a DOS pc running Desklink) And I had no issue whatsoever in the whole process (apart from guessing filenames) And now : everything works properly. I think my REX# was in a semi broken state causing all kind of weird issues. Also I now have "program names" in the main menu for ROMs, so obviously I understand how to enter them now (I didn't have that!) Switching between ROMs seems to work as it should (it starts right away) and you hit F8 you're back in main menu; and then you have a "shortcut" to restart your ROM program. None of that was working properly. I really don't know in what "state" my REX# was, maybe it was corrupted in some way, but I guess I'll now have less stupid questions as the freaking thing seems to work as it should now. I'll I think spend some time creating a youtube video (if nobody did that) to explain how to install/upgrade REX# , using vintage tools ( DOS/desklink ) I'll also try to make my own ROM as I'm kinda sad that I lose my built-in modem capabilities (this is a european model with an US ROM because of REX). I'll try to overwrite the modem section of the ROM and see what this does. Thanks again to Brian, John & Stephen for their support, some of which I printed :)


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