Club100 Member directory for Mike Stein has Entoke.exe -

And a wayback machine crawl reveals detoke.exe -

On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 11:58 AM Peter Vollan <> wrote:

> There are tokenise and detokenise programs for DOS, in the Compuserve
> archive, I think.
> On Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 23:42, John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:
>> Not as far as I know. I think Robert Pigford's program is it. PowerBASIC
>> is a compiler though so I guess its binaries would run under a Linux DOS
>> emulator. I've certainly run DOS assemblers like TASM as part of a
>> GNU/Linux Makefile.
>> You would need a tokenizer for each BASIC variant you want to support
>> (M100/102, 8201A/8300, and maybe t200?)
>> The ROM of each machine is of course already capable of doing it properly
>> by definition via LOAD/CLOAD. So emulators effectively support tokenization
>> as well. VirtualT is fully scriptable over telnet/socket.
>> For myself I just use my laptop or emulator to created tokenized files.
>> One note... there are valid, specially constructed BA  files that do not
>> fully LIST, and are not convertible to ASCII BASIC text and back again,
>> with high numbered lines and/or machine language embedded in it. To create
>> such files goes beyond simple tokenization, but it may be useful and
>> interesting to create advanced special BA binary file generators. Most such
>> files require special measures to create.
>> -- John.

Brad Grier

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