> From: "John R. Hogerhuis" <jho...@pobox.com>
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 1:37 PM Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Looks super cool, but I'm guessing it has no processor in it and has a
>> simple ASIC chip that converts USB to Video / keyscan.  This probably
>> removes any possibility of hacking to be a full-fledged computer.
> Yeah you're probably right it's purpose built... though I wonder if there's
> any space in there. I mean a raspberry pi as the computer would presumably
> work.
> A pi pico would be easier to fit, and people have generated video from it
> using the state machine feature.
> In any event it seems like there are plenty of these aspect ratio displays
> around now.
Yeah, they seem to be relatively easy to come by these days. Some
eccentric person has worked out a project using one in combination
with one of the low-profile rPi offerings to build a more proper
portable slabtop type affair:


The case design is hideous, but that's easily corrected. I need to
finish putting mine together - I'm routing out and finishing a more
M100-inspired case made from a couple birch boards (and putting a less
cut-down keyboard in while I'm at it.) Should be just the thing for
writing on the go :)

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