Sounds like what I do when I want separate versions and can't be bothered 
extracting the desired file from the main log. ;-)

On the PC using old venerable ProComm:

Save new version:
ESC:       terminates previous D/L
PgDn,7: selects new ASCII D/L
Enter version no.
Ready to receive next version, for save, restore, compare, whatever.
5 keystrokes

Restore previous version:
ESC: Get out of D/L mode.
PgUp,7:   select ASCII upload
Enter version number
'Enter' when the M100 is ready
5 keystrokes.

What can I say; if you're going to program on the M100 why not do it the way 
you could have done it in pre-Git and even pre-Windows days... No need to 
fumble with those newfangled mice either ;-)

One annoyance: It appears that BASIC does not send CR/LF so you have to enable 
that on the terminal. However, that now double-spaces 'normal' COM files so you 
either have to change the terminal settings or do your own CR/LFs.

(Unless someone has a better idea ?)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John R. Hogerhuis 
  Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 4:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [M100] Notoriously S.L.O.W BASIC posted - help speeding it up 

  On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 8:58 PM B 9 <> wrote:

    On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 7:28 PM John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:

      You could always script it out to do a git commit after every ctrl-z

    Sometimes, I don't know if you're joking or not... I mean, yes, that's 
brilliant and should work. But, oh boy. Once again, you've got my brain turning 
on completely needless, yet very cool ideas. ☺

  Wasn't joking... this time. 

  If you're going to keep a host-side running backup of a program you're 
working on in this way, might as well let the host side help you manage the 
versions. git will list out the versions and you can compare versions at will 
to see exactly what changed.

  Could be a useful workflow.

  The other way to do that is filesystems and backup agents that give you a 
time machine feature.

  -- John. 

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