I couldn't really follow the discussion awhile back regarding serial comms on the M100.

But one of the issues seemed to be with the speed at which the M100 could deal with incoming data.

While watching This video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YypZW54wbmU> about the Nabu computer, I came across the following comment:

"8N2 is often used by systems that are too slow at processing incoming data. They use the extra bit to get their things in order between bytes :)Wish I had followed this thread live, might have saved you some time :pSome can even go past the 2 stop bits, adding 1-256 of em just for the utility of it. Mostly in software controlled implementations :)"

I don't know if this would be of any help, but thought I'd throw it out there.

I wonder if using 8N2 would help in using the barcode mod for serial comms?

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