Some confusion there I think...

The M100's serial port is in fact 'true' RS232; the official spec is +/- 3-15V 
and the M100's +/- 5V is well within that spec.

But today most hobbyist 'RS232' serial devices are intended to interface 
directly to a microprocessor of some kind, so they use 'TTL' RS232 which is 0 
to Vcc (5V or 3.3V) (with the opposite polarity).

0 to 5V would probably indeed 'not make it'  connected to the serial port on 
your M100 since 0V is in the undefined region between +3V and -3V and it's 
'upside down, but connecting internally should be straight forward since the 
M100 is 'TTL RS232' internally (although you'd still need to shift  the voltage 
levels from 3.3 to 5V).

Aside from that I see no reason why the Pinenut module would not work; 
presumably you could even patch the ROM to change the 'M' default baud rate etc.

I've been meaning to do the same thing with a BT module instead of WiFi but 
just reaching for an external RS232-BT module is just sooo convenient..


  Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2022 9:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [M100] Pinenut Wifi / BLE


  I'm not sure that thing will hook up to a real RS-232.  I looked at the 
schematic and it talked about 3.3 v, which would not drive the RS-232 lines.   
Not sure how you would connect it. But maybe there is a level shifter in it.  
I've found that a lot of things talk about RS 232 but it is things like 0 to 
3.3 or 0 to 5 volts, and not even close to real RS 232.  I know the M100 
doesn't actually get there either, but I know 0 to 5 volts doesn't make it on 
my M100.

  I had been looking at this device, in part for a Psion 5 MX but it also for 
my M100 as well.  A 'hat' stuck on top of a Raspberry Pi zero W, plus a power 
supply.  Admittedly most of the work would be done by the Pi (the tcp/ip stack 
etc.) but you could use a terminal program to access a little linux box.  It 
was self-contained, even with a battery!!  I still have to figure out where to 
buy that level-shifter (the SP3232EEP) but most hats I've looked at for the pi 
zero w don't have hardware handshaking.

  Admittedly, this is probably to big to fit in an M100 but I am pretty sure it 
would work.  Increase the size of the battery and power the M100 with it!!


    ----Original Message----
    From :
    Date : 2022-12-17 - 15:16 (CEST)
    To :
    Subject : [M100] Pinenut Wifi / BLE

    I came across this tiny little board on the Pine64 site, and I wonder...

    PineNut Wifi/BLE board

    this thing is about 1" by 2/3" (25 x 14mm), and as I understand it provides 
wifi and bluetooth, via serial (TTL or UART, I think).

    I think it could be mounted internally to the M100 (dunno about M102). 
Maybe a 200, too.

    IF one could connect it to the modem serial connection, one could then 
theoretically use it to connect via wifi/bluetooth, and switch to the external 
rs232 port, keeping its functionality, with a minimum of "destruction" to the 

    Or maybe, connect it to the barcode scanner, which, if possible for regular 
comms with the module, would leave you able to use the rs232 and the wifi at 
the same time.

    I'm interested in any opinions on this, because imo it could massively 
improve the functionality of the M100 (yes, I know the same essential thing is 
possible with some of the wifi-capable arduino boards, but all I've seen of 
them are much larger than this).

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