On 1/10/23 6:34 AM, Greg Swallow wrote:
Good Lord, this reminds me of writing a routine for popups under PC-DOS on a 
green display.

Yep, that's basically what this is! :)

In fact, I even wrote a fast BASIC routine to save the LCD character contents (won't save any graphics) to a save string (S$) that can be restored to the display later via a few simple PRINT@ commands using MID$ function. It saves a region W x H in size at location X,Y (where X and Y are zero based character LCD coordinates). It does this by manually pointing a temp string (TP$) to the LCD memory region and setting its length to W using pokes, then performing S$=S$+TP$.

10 DEFINTA,J:TP$="":S$="":B=65024+Y*40+X:A=VARPTR(TP$):POKEA,W:FORJ=YTOY+H-1:POKEA+2,INT(B/256):POKEA+1,B-PEEK(A+2)*256:S$=S$+TP$:B=B+40:NEXT


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