Hi all,

I've got a few questions for you all.

1. Is there any way to disable the LABEL button in a BASIC program? I have
found that if you press it during my game (Text Sweeper), it will shift the
entire minefield up by one row and print the Function Key defs. Of course
this renders the game into a pretty much irrecoverable state at the moment.
I don't store the graphical representation of the board anywhere, so to
recover from this is a bit of a pain, although doable. However, if I can
avoid this scenario entirely, that'd be great.

2. I read at one point there is a location in memory reserved for storing
the LCD character contents in memory when switching to TELCOM. Where is
this, and can I use that range of memory for the same purpose in my case (I
kind of want to add an instructions screen you can flip back and forth

3. Does writing to video RAM locations cause the LCD to update directly? Or
is there a print subroutine that basically needs to be called?


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