While surfing the private files on the Club100 site the file below caught my 
eye as I have a booster pack and would like to update the System ROM.   My 
question for the group is how much do the programmers cost?   What inexpensive 
programmer would you suggest?  Is it difficult to program?   Any links to 
software or documentation would be helpful.

As Always Thanks for your help,


(  BP1ROM_Fixed.bin  )
This is the Booster Pak v1.23 "BP1" main system ROM image which includes the 
multi-page file display bug fix. With the original ROM, if you have more than 
two pages of files to display, you would only ever be able to see the second 
page of files when pressing shift-down. The third page of files or beyond was 
inaccessible due to a limitation in Traveling Software's TPDD client. Well, 
with this replacement BP1 system ROM image, the limitation is gone! The bug fix 
was originally made available in Ken Pettit's release of the TS-DOS 4.10 option 
ROM. This fix has been extended to all RAM versions of TS-DOS, as well as the 
SARDOS option ROM. And now, it is available for the "Disk" client that is in 
your Booster Pak's system ROM. Just burn this image to a standard 27C256 EPROM 
and replace your Booster Pak's "BP1" chip which would be all the way on the 
bottom-right side of your Booster Pak's sockets.

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