Hey Mark,

TDock was an idea for a Pi Hat PCB to interface with the M100 Printer port and then use the RaspPi as the display interface.  I developed a PCB and even built one and wrote some M100 software, but it never got any farther than that.  There were some grumblings about using a RaspPi (with nearly infinitely more times horsepower) as a periph to the M100, concerns about the cost of the PCB, etc.

So based on all of that along with my experience with NADSBox (my experience was much different than that of the customers who use it), I decided to abndon the idea.  These days I'm so busy trying to raise two kids, one of whom is autistic, I don't have time for such projects, even if I was inclined to start back up on something like that.


On 5/9/23 9:04 AM, mark audacity romberg wrote:
Guess I'll just ask this every couple years, because I think it would be rad as hell to have a modern dock for the M100. It sounded like Ken had a working prototype a couple years ago, but haven't heard anything since.

*/mark audacity romberg

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