The unverified schematic I arrived at from beeping out an original NODE DATAPAC is now verified.

Based on that best guess original schematic I made a new schematic that uses 1 256k sram instead of 8 32k sram, but otherwise replicates the original circuit with the way the binary counters and bus latch works.

And the new device works!

This is kind of a pointless device today because in most cases a Backpack is more useful and practical.

But here are a few distinguishing points:
* The driver software is only 1.4k on a 100, 1.2k on a 200, vs ts-dos over 5k. Teeny is only 0.75k but lacks features (can't format a disk or even list the directory) * The DATAPAC or MiniNDP uses the system bus, leaving the serial port available for other use.


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