It's not that surprising. The machine has a built in modem and battery
backup. You could just hook it up in a telco closet and have a BBS up in no

Don't know how you'd use a TPDD at the same time since it hogs the serial
port. Support for saving files to cassette would probably be more useful.

On Wed, Nov 1, 2023, 01:04 Hiraghm <> wrote:

> I was just visiting a website of BBS links by platform, when I was
> shocked to come across an entry for PBBS... for the Model 100... in BASIC.
> here's a link to the site's entry on the M100 PBBS:
> it is not surprisingly very limited.. but it's written in BASIC...
> There's also a CP/M version of PBBS, but it appears to be written in
> assembler, not BASIC:
> I thought some on here might be interested in toying with it. Maybe
> customizing it to work with the REX or TDDP drive to expand its
> capabilities.
> I'm just boggled that someone wrote a BBS for the Model 100.

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