> On Dec 13, 2023, at 6:22 AM, Brian Brindle <bbrin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My whole setup is a total kludge / hack that I never expected to use long 
> term. I was just doing a POC and built the whole thing in about 10 minutes 
> with stuff I had laying around but here we are almost five years later... 

Brian, you may consider this rig a kludge, but I'm jealous and think it's 
gorgeous.  Using the T as a portable terminal with a perfectly capable tiny 
Linux box cleverly attached is a great hack.  I wish I had one of these!  A 
9-pin WP-2 version—what with the 80-column display—would be amazing.

Now that I think about it, have you tried using either one of the 80-column 
software setups, like ROM-View 80 or Ultrascreen100?  It might make for an even 
more pleasant terminal experience.

Gosh, I'm tempted to ask if you'd slap another one together in your copious 
free time!

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