One thing about the LCD;  if the lcd driver write acknowledge signal is
broken, the cpu will be caught in an endless loop waiting for thr drivers
to write successfully.
In this state the cpu would be running but in a software loop polling the
driver write ack signal.

Sounds like a possibility here.

On Thursday, December 28, 2023, Josh Malone <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 10:35 AM <> wrote:
>> When LCDs with these types of LCD driers first power up they turn on all
>> the pixels. You will see this even in brand new ‘modern’ dot matrix LCD
>> module  (on the new LCDs the multiline modules tend to only make the first
>> row black on power up.) Only after the computer sends a rest command to the
>> LCD drivers they will clear the screen.
> Ah! Okay, I misunderstood that process then. If the driver ICs themselves
> set every pixel then I agree it sounds like the machine is not running code
> then. Thanks for clarifying this, Jeff. I appreciate it.
> -Josh

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