these look like 6301 opcodes.  Maybe this worked.
take a look please when you can. thanks. Steve

On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 6:55 PM Darren Clark <> wrote:

> TPDD2 firmware dumping - breaking this into a new thread.
> It would be interesting to see if we can use the command 'Request Block'
> from page 89 to read the ROM of the CPU...
> I dumped the ROM of the TPDD1 and got a good start at reverse
> engineering it and documenting it here
> can't believe that
> was over 7 years ago!
> Looking at the schematic in the PDF, the HD6301V1 starts up in mode 6
> just like with TPDD1, that places the firmware/ROM between 0xF000 and
> 0xFFFF in memory.
> Is there anybody with a TPDD2 willing to try and dump 4K of data from
> 0xF000 to 0xFFFF and send it to me so I can start reverse engineering
> and documenting it? It should look somewhat similar to this
> if it is
> outputting good data.
> Request Block - 5A5A 32 04 01 F000 40 (checksum) and see what block of
> 64 bytes comes out.
> Darren Clark
> Here is a memory map of the TPDD1 from my reverse engineering earlier:
> ;----------------------------------------------------------
> ;Memory Map of PDD (using mode 6):
> ;----------------------------------------------------------
> ;0000-001F    Internal Registers (see below)
> ;0080-00FF    Internal RAM
> ;4000-4003    CPLD (Glue Logic + Hardware IO Control)
> ;8000-87FF    External RAM (2K)
> ;F000-FFFF    Internal ROM (4K)
> ;----------------------------------------------------------
> ;I/O ports
> ;Port.Bit    I/O        Pin#    ID    Function
> ;----------------------------------------------------------
> ;Port1.B0    Input    Pin18    P10    CTS
> ;Port1.B1    Input    Pin19    P11    DSR
> ;Port1.B2    Output    Pin20    P12    RTS
> ;Port1.B3    Output    Pin22    P13    DTR
> ;Port1.B4    Output    Pin23    P14    PS Alarm (Low Battery LED)
> ;Port1.B5    Output    Pin24    P15    LED101 (Drive Access LED)
> ;Port1.B6    Output    Pin25    P16    To MA7340
> ;Port1.B7    Output    Pin26    P17    SCAN
> ;Port2.B0    Input    Pin11    P20    Mode (pulled Low)
> ;Port2.B1    Input    Pin12    P21    Mode (pulled Hi)
> ;Port2.B2    Input    Pin13    P22    (SCI) CLKOUT from CPLD for BAUD rate
> ;Port2.B3    Input    Pin14    P23    (SCI) /RXD
> ;Port2.B4    Output    Pin15    P24    (SCI) /TXD
> ;----------------------------------------------------------


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