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On Jan 28, 2024, at 5:29 PM, Darren Clark <biggran...@gmail.com> wrote:

Minor correction. Any commands that get translated to an index higher than 0x13 
will return an invalid command, not crash the firmware.

This statement is incorrect: "I haven't looked for any other logic that would 
prevent this, but a command 0x13 to 0x2A (except 0x23), or 0x35 to 0x3F will 
select addresses past the jump table (author name and reset vector table) 
causing the firmware to crash and reset."

[F104]    [58         ]    [X   ]        ASL B            ;B*2 - set pointer 
correctly for function table
[F105]    [C1 26      ]    [ &  ]        CMP B #0x26      ;if command > 0x13 
branch to Command_FMT_Invalid
[F107]    [24 2E      ]    [$.  ]        BCC Command_FMT_Invalid

The "I haven't looked..." part is true, I found it at F014 and F105. So the 
firmware does protect against invalid commands.

Darren Clark

On 1/28/24 12:40, Darren Clark wrote:

The part of the code that picks out the commands is a bit goofy, but I believe 
it's like this to maintain a standard command set across multiple drives with 
other added functionality.

There is a bit mask for the command, so we're only looking at the lower 6 bits 
(0x00 to 0x3F). Bit 6 and 7 (6 being bank select) is masked out of the command 
selection code. It'll require some more digging around to see where it is used.

Here is some of the logic:

    If the command = 0x23 (line F0F5), make the command 0x09. This is the Drive 
Version Info command.

    If the command > 0x30, subtract 0x22 from it.

That makes the following commands into index positions:
    0x30 = 0x0E
    0x31 = 0x0F
    0x32 = 0x10
    0x33 = 0x11
    0x34 = 0x12

The end result is the command becomes the index of the jump table:

Index    Command    Function

0x00    0x00    ;Command_FMT00_CreateDirectory
0x01    0x01    ;Command_FMT01_FileOpen
0x02    0x02    ;Command_FMT02_FileClose
0x03    0x03    ;Command_FMT03_FileRead
0x04    0x04    ;Command_FMT04_File_Write
0x05    0x05    ;Command_FMT05_FileDelete
0x06    0x06    ;Command_FMT06_DiskFormat
0x07    0x07    ;Command_FMT07_DriveStatus
0x08    0x08    ;Command_FMT_Invalid
0x09    0x23    ;Command_FMT23_DriveVersionInfo (SM Page 93)
0x0A    0x0A    ;Command_FMT_Invalid
0x0B    0x0B    ;Command_FMT_Invalid
0x0C    0x0C    ;Command_FMT0C_DriveCondition
0x0D    0x0D    ;Command_FMT0D_FileNameChange
0x0E    0x30    ;Command_FMT30_SectorModeReadWrite
0x0F    0x31    ;Command_FMT31_DriveMemorySet
0x10    0x32    ;Command_FMT32_DriveMemoryGet
0x11    0x33    ;Command_FMT33_SystemVersionInfo (SM Page 92)
0x12    0x34    ;Command_FMT34_ExecuteProgram

I haven't looked for any other logic that would prevent this, but a command 
0x13 to 0x2A (except 0x23), or 0x35 to 0x3F will select addresses past the jump 
table (author name and reset vector table) causing the firmware to crash and 

Also command 0x0F is the same as 0x31, so it returns the memory set return 
block 0x38. And looking at the table, there are several other overlapping 
commands: 0x0E, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12

The memory write commands set flags in the internal RAM, these need to still be 

There is also a block of code that reads a file off of a disk into the 2K 
external RAM and executes it.

On 1/28/24 10:45, Brian K. White wrote:
This is great for making the emulators and clients definitive instead of full 
of mysteries and "here we recite the words lest the gods be angry".

Can you see why command 0x11 works as a synonym for 0x33?
And why does 0x0F respond with the 0x38 return block?
When neither of those are commands. There are some other dupes like that too 
where an undocumented code results in some other response than the invalid code 
It's like it's not checking the entire value but masking bits, and looking at 
fewer than all 8 bits, and multiple values can give the same bits.
Definitely bank 1 must work that way. A bunch of commands that all get one part 
of their meaning changed by adding 0x40, which is just flipping 1 bit on the 
normal command code.
IE 0x00 is dirent, 0x40 is dirent in bank 1.

Ah speaking of "we don't know why we do this but we must recite the words here" 
there are a few things exactly like that.

The service manual describes a routine it calls "reset drive status" on pg 102. 
It's just using mem_write to write 3 bytes at 3 addresses but doesn't explain 
what they do.
write 0xFF to 0x0084
write 0x0F to 0x0096
write 0x0F to 0x0094

And with dl2 I have captured TS-DOS doing exactly that sequence.

The tpdd2 backup.ba<http://backup.ba> also does something similar but not the 
same, just before each each cache commit (write cache to disk):
write 0x00 to 0x0083
write 0x00 to 0x0096

To be clear it never does the other 3 bytes, it just does these 2 before each 
cache write-to-disk.
17/08/2016 20:03:01.667 [M100] - 5A 5A 31 04 01 00 83 00 46
17/08/2016 20:03:01.671 [TPDD] - 38 01 00 C6
17/08/2016 20:03:01.676 [M100] - 5A 5A 31 04 01 00 96 00 33
17/08/2016 20:03:01.679 [TPDD] - 38 01 00 C6

They are in the cpu internal 128 bytes is all I can tell.

Maybe one of those bytes holds the drive status/condition bit flags used by the 
status or condition commands?

Also I just realized I was dumb to talk about reading the external 2k ram on 
TPDD1 before. On TPDD1 you can't read any ram without rebooting into the 
special cpu mode anyway, so it's not like you can examine the ram to see where 
the drive stored bits of info about the disk or a loaded sector or anything 
like that, so there is no point to a more generic version of the rom dumper.

... and as soon as I said that I thought, well maybe as a drive diagnostic 
tool, you could read the sensors directly instead of relying on the drive 
firmware to report error conditions while trying to repair a drive or 
something. Maybe even operate the gate array?

It is a marvel getting that much functionality out of so few bytes.


On Sun, Jan 28, 2024, 12:19 AM Darren Clark 
<biggran...@gmail.com<mailto:biggran...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Spent some time digging through the source of the TPDD2 firmware, adding
comments, labels, and variable names.

It's documented (as far as I got so far) here:

Doesn't look like any hidden commands exist in the firmware. This is the
list from the command table at 0xFFB9:

code    0xF230 Command_FMT00_CreateDirectory
code    0xF4D0            Command_FMT01_FileOpen
code    0xF495            Command_FMT02_FileClose
code    0xF69D            Command_FMT03_FileRead
code    0xF63D            Command_FMT04_File_Write
code    0xF425            Command_FMT05_FileDelete
code    0xF212            Command_FMT06_DiskFormat
code    0xF6F3            Command_FMT07_DriveStatus
code    0xF137            Command_FMT_Invalid
code    0xF75F            Command_FMT23_DriveVersionInfo
code    0xF746            Command_FMT0C_DriveCondition
code    0xF365            Command_FMT0D_FileNameChange
code    0xF801            Command_FMT30_SectorModeReadWrite
code    0xF76B            Command_FMT31_DriveMemorySet
code    0xF78E            Command_FMT32_DriveMemoryGet
code    0xF757            Command_FMT33_SystemVersionInfo
code    0xF7DC            Command_FMT34_ExecuteProgram

Some other interesting tables are at 0xFF67 and 0xFF6D

[FF67]    [80         ]    [    ] Table_SysInfo:    DB    0x80    ;Hard
sector data port address MSB
[FF68]    [13         ]    [    ]        DB    0x13    ;Hard sector data
port address LSB
[FF69]    [05         ]    [    ]        DB    0x05    ;Buffer size MSB
[FF6A]    [00         ]    [    ]        DB    0x00    ;Buffer size LSB
[FF6B]    [10         ]    [    ]        DB    0x10    ;CPU type. 0x10 =
[FF6C]    [E1         ]    [    ]        DB    0xE1    ;Model code

[FF6D]    [41         ]    [A   ]    Table_Version:    DB 0x41
;System Version Number MSB
[FF6E]    [10         ]    [    ]        DB    0x10    ;System Version
Number LSB
[FF6F]    [01         ]    [    ]        DB    0x01    ;Number of sides
[FF70]    [00         ]    [    ]        DB    0x00    ;Number of tracks MSB
[FF71]    [50         ]    [P   ]        DB    0x50    ;Number of tracks LSB
[FF72]    [05         ]    [    ]        DB    0x05    ;Sector length MSB
[FF73]    [00         ]    [    ]        DB    0x00    ;Sector length LSB
[FF74]    [02         ]    [    ]        DB    0x02    ;Sectors per track
[FF75]    [00         ]    [    ]        DB    0x00 ;Directory Entries MSB
[FF76]    [28         ]    [(   ]        DB    0x28 ;Directory Entries LSB
[FF77]    [00         ]    [    ]        DB    0x00    ;Max files
[FF78]    [E1         ]    [    ]        DB    0xE1    ;Model code

There is also a BAUD rate table at 0xFF85, I see logic for reading the
dip switch setting from the CPLD at the program initialization. 2
switches for the BAUD rate and the other 2 for some other mode settings.
Just a w.a.g. it almost looks like the programming on the CPLD could be
the same on the TPPD2 as the TPPD1. It might be possible to set 9600 and
38400 BAUD, just guessing though as I don't have any TPDD2 hardware to
play with.

Overall an amazing amount of work went into this firmware. From what I
can see, it's all hand coded and has a lot of space saving optimizations
in it. Out of 4K of available space, there is only 15 bytes of unused
space, and the author put his name into it (with one byte filled with a

[FFDF]    [***********]    [    ] DB    '(C) M.FUTAMURA',0xFF    ;Author

Darren Clark

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