I found my notes on the serial port stuff - thanks to Brian for desklink+. With a little perseverance, I was able to get the transfer stuff working on Linux. I made the transition off of MacOS this past year, but my notes are still Mac centric. Linux sure has come a long way... much easier to work with than back in the 90's (I say this from Linux Mint 21.3 "Virginia"). It is so easy to interface the linux machine to practically anything...

Anyhow, I remembered what the ROM thing was - RexCPM. Tomorrow, I'll try digging out those notes and seeing about getting that running.... or is it already running? It's definitely attached, but it's been on the shelf a looong time now and I seem to recall something about the version I have loses its mind or something when shelved. No worries, thankfully I've got great notes... oh, wait, my notes suck!

Which brings me to today's lesson - keep good notes :). Date them, organize them, be sure to say what works and what doesn't and what's needed to get things working. The serial note wasn't horrible, but it's much better now. The RexCPM note, practically non-existent... and apparently, I didn't think notes mentioning that TEENY needs upper case, that Q is quit, that you exit BASIC with MENU, that Shift-Break is how you stop programs or pretty much anything useful down the road was worth noting. Now, I know better, off to write a better "Pull the M100 off the shelf and here are some things you should know/remember..." note.



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