Microsoft Office (Word), Libre etc. can use barcode fonts; download
and install the font (e.g. Code39) if it's not already on your
computer and use it like any other font to  print (although you may
have to delimit your text with asterisks).

As noted elsewhere, I'm pretty sure there were barcode reader programs
for the M100; search a little through the archives on Club100


On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 5:49 PM J S <> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I had a question. And it might already be solved but I don't see an answer on 
> how to do it.
> I'm a recent owner of both an 100 and a 200 model machines. I also have a 
> barcode pen. I've seen lots of information about using it for data entry and 
> business type applications but I have not seen any information on a way to 
> use it to load lines of programming.
> Back in the old magazines you could get the printout of a BASIC program and 
> type them in. I had read a long time ago about the possibility of converting 
> those programs to lines of barcodes that could make programs easier to enter, 
> albeit line by line.
> The idea would be that you would load a program that would let you scan those 
> barcodes one by one and save it to a data file. That file, when closed could 
> be renamed as the BA file and ran normally.
> Any help or ideas would be appreciated

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