> If an exhibit will be seen by minors, then it is
> reasonable given the social
> constructs in which we operate, to place images that
> are deemed to be
> inappropriate for minors in an adults only forum.
> Hiding works with sexual
> content from adults is just plain silly though. 
Trying to hide anything from minors is a lost game.
The minors find everything. The hiding just distorts
and corrupts the minor's response to what is a normal
part of being in the world and generates distrust of
adults. The distrust leads to the separation from the
families accepted norms and the minor is essentially
forced to learn about the world from uninformed peers.
Is there any surprise there is so much tension and
distrust among minors and adults?
We are dishonest and sneaky in our relationships with
children and they know it. The surest way to focus the
minor's attention on something is to try to hide it or
deny it. We insist on their negative attention. By
calling any attention the minor becomes fixated and
develops personal interpetations of the situational
gestalt. Personal interpretations mostly based in the
uninformed and biased opinions of censors produce a
very twisted personality. 
All censorship has negative outcomes.
We as artist have an opportunity to model creative
adult behavior. We give away that opportunity in our
focus on fears spread by people who follow the rules
without questioning the actual social impact of
following those rules.
We are killing people in Iraq because we were captured
in a social trance of fear. We all see how destructive
that fear has been. Fear of sex is even more
> As artists we should be AGAINST censorship of all
> kinds.

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