Hi Eric,

You wrote:

> So am I right that this is not a option on the Mac in iTunes?
> Thanks again!  I'm off to power through some podcast listening.

iTunes can't change the speed of playback, but VLC and QuickTime Player can.  
The version of QuickTime Player that was used by default before Snow Leopard, 
and which is now called QuickTime Player 7, has an A/V (audio/visual) control 
window.  You show or hide it with the shortcut Command-K, and there are sliders 
that let you adjust playback speed, along with volume, balance, treble, bass, 
pitch, along with video brightness, color, and tint.  This is AppleScriptable, 
so what I do is use a pair of AppleScripts to switch between playing a track in 
iTunes and Quick Time Player 7.  

The first AppleScript pauses iTunes, notes the time into the track where 
playing was paused, then starts QuickTime Player 7 playing at that time at a 
faster rate of my choosing.  Here it is coded for 2 times speed, pasted in 

Play selected track in QuickTime at 2x speed
Source: Mac OS X hints Jan 6, 2006  Play this podcast at 1.5x
tell application "iTunes"
                set my_track to location of current track
                set my_seconds to player position
        on error
                set my_track to location of item 1 of selection
                set my_seconds to 0
        end try
end tell

tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
        open my_track
        set my_movie to first document
        set sound volume of my_movie to 256 --set volume to 100%
        set ts to time scale of my_movie
        set current time of my_movie to my_seconds * ts
        set rate of my_movie to 2.0 -- starts playing
end tell

The second AppleScript handles passing control back to iTunes, and notes the 
current playing position from QuickTime Player 7, so that when you go back to 
the track in iTunes its bookmarked position will resume from where you left off 
in QuickTime Player 7. If you play to the end of a podcast in QuickTime Player 
7, the time will be set to the beginning of the podcast when you switch back to 
 iTunes, just as though you had played through the podcast in iTunes. One 
warning is that you have to keep the track that is playing in iTunes as the 
current track, in order to correctly pass back the time with the second 
AppleScript.  I don't imagine people will try navigating to different podcasts, 
radio streams, etc. in iTunes while listening to the speeded up podcast or 
audiobook in QuickTime Player 7, but in principle, they could.  Here's the 
pasted in version of the AppleScript to return control to iTunes at normal 
playback speed:

tell application "iTunes"
        set my_track to location of current track
end tell

tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
        set my_movie to first document
        set ts to time scale of my_movie
        set my_seconds to (current time of my_movie) / ts
        close my_movie
end tell

tell application "iTunes"
        set player position to my_seconds
end tell

The same AppleScripts can be used in Leopard and Tiger, with the name of the 
application in the script set to "QuickTime Player" instead of "QuickTime 
Player 7".  If you have Lion, you'll have to download QuickTime Player 7 to use 
these AppleScripts. Snow Leopard users will find it on their install DVDs. 
Here's the Knowledge Base Article on "Installing QuickTime Player 7 on Mac OS X 
v.10.6 or Later" that describes the process and has a download link for Lion:

To set up your speed-up solution in Lion:
1. Get QuickTime Player 7 and install it from:
2. Open AppleScript editor from your Utilities folder (in Finder 
Command-Shift-U, then type "a p" and Command-Down arrow to launch the 
AppleScript editor). 
3. Set your AppleScripts to display in the status menu bar in  preferences by 
pressing Command-Comma, then navigating to "Show Script menu in menu bar" and 
checking this option (VO-Space).  You can check this works by using VO-M-M or 
Control-F8 to navigate to the status menu bar.  VoiceOver should say, 
"AppleScript", and if you arrow down the menu you'll find "Open Scripts Folder" 
and "Open AppleScript Editor", followed by category folders of AppleScripts in 
the "/Library/Scripts" folder on your Mac.  This is the "Computer Scripts 
Folder" that is one of the submenu options to open under "Open Scripts Folder", 
and is also where the VoiceOver scripts for "Time of Day" are stored (under the 
VoiceOver category folder at the bottom of the list). Press escape to leave 
navigating the menu options and return to your AppleScript preferences and 
continue navigating through the options of the General tab. By default, the 
"Show Computer scripts" box is checked, which is what gives you ac
 cess to the list of folders from the status menu bar.  You may optionally 
select the radio button to show application scripts at "top".  This can 
slightly speed up navigation to scripts you add to the menu, by placing them 
before the category folders. Command-W to close the preferences window. 

4. Copy and paste in the scripts into the AppleScript editor window.  I use 
comment lines that start with a left parenthesis followed by a star, and that 
end with a star followed by a right parenthesis,  to remind me that the current 
speed is set to 2x and give source of this AppleScript's MacOSX hints article, 
but you can skip over these in the first script and use VO-down arrow in mail 
to navigate to the "tell application "iTunes"" line, then make sure you're at 
start of the line with Command-left arrow.  Hold down the Shift key for 
selection, then start arrowing down until you get to the end of the script.  
You can keep arrowing down until you reach my text description, just to be sure 
you've gotten everything, and then up arrow again so that the last highlighted 
line is the "end tell" command.  As long as you continue to hold down the Shift 
key while pressing Up or Down arrow, you can continue to move forwards and 
backwards to refine your selection.  When you've selected 
 the whole script, release the Shift key and press Command-C to copy.  Then 
Command-Tab to switch back to the AppleScript editor, and paste the script in 
with Command-V.  If you want to break this up into steps, you can always copy 
and paste your AppleScript selection in to a TextEdit file to review, then 
undertake using the AppleScript Editor at a later time.  (I frequently just 
save parts of tasks I want to work on in TextEdit files.)

5. To check things are working before I save the AppleScript, I'll first start 
a podcast playing in iTunes.  Then I'll switch back to the AppleScript Editor 
window with Command-tab and use Command-R  to run the script (rather than just 
compiling it with Command-K). If this works as it should, QuickTime Player 7 
will be launched, and you'll start hearing the same podcast playing at faster 
speed in QuickTime Player 7.  I'll actually paste the first script to speed up 
playing into the AppleScript Editor, then open a second window with Command-N, 
and paste the second AppleScript to resume iTunes playback before starting my 
playback checks.  So after using Command-R to run the first script, and hearing 
the podcast play at speed, I'll use Command-accent (where accent is the 
leftmost key in the row of number on an English language input keyboard) to 
switch to the second AppleScript Editor window, and press Command-R to run it, 
and check whether playback transfers back to iTunes at n
 ormal speed.

6. Save your AppleScripts using Command-S under names you select, e.g. "Play 
Faster" and "Normal Speed".  I use Command-Shift-G in Finder to navigate to my 
account's  Library folder by typing:
into the dialog window and pressing return.  Then I create a folder named 
"Scripts".  (This may not be case sensitive, but I use a capital "S").  I save 
these scripts to my "User Scripts File" -- the location pointed to under the 
AppleScript menu. You can also save these to the general /Library/Scripts 
folder of your hard drive, if you have permission to write in that folder.
6a. Incidentally, I found a really quick way to make the Library folder under 
my account visible under Lion that does not involve typing a command in 
Terminal or getting TinkerTool to configure this.  Go to Doug's AppleScripts 
for iTunes web page that describes "Installing AppleScripts under OS X Lion":
6b. Navigate to the link for "download this AppleScript applet" and download 
the file (Option-Return).  
6c. Open the "Show Downloads" window in Safari with Command-Option-L and 
navigate to the group, interact twice to get to the  "Make Users Library Folder 
Visible" downloaded item group items, and navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the 
"Show in Finder" button then press (VO-Space).
6d. Command-Down arrow to launch the applet in Finder. Your Library folder is 
now visible. (This took a few seconds to do, and much longer to type out 

7. You can now use these AppleScripts to speed up and slow down your listening 
of podcasts and audiobooks.  Start a podcast, audiobook, or movie track playing 
in iTunes, then navigate to the AppleScripts menu and select your "Play Faster" 
AppleScript to shift playback to QuickTime Player 7.  Then select  the "Normal 
Speed" AppleScript to shift back to iTunes and record your current position 
before pausing/stopping.  

There are some limitations on this: QuickTime Player can only be used on tracks 
without DRM, so Audible audiobooks or books purchased from the iTunes Store 
cannot be sped up this way.  Neither can you use this to speed up commercial 
movies or TV shows that you purchase, but video clips without DRM will work.  
Also, I assume you use the "Get Info" (Command-I) shortcut to change the "Media 
Kind" pop up menu setting of your tracks to "Podcast" or "Audiobook" on the 
Option tab, and to check the boxes for "Remember playback position" and "Skip 
when shuffling".  If I download Eric's podcast about list recorder from its 
Dropbox location and add it to my iTunes library, it will go into my Music 
library, and will start playing from the beginning of the track, because iTunes 
has no way of distinguishing this as a podcast unless you make the changes. 

The AppleScripts menu on the status menu bar can be accessed from any app, so 
you can navigate to other applications and work while listening to the podcast. 
 You can do more complicated setups that involved assigning keyboard shortcuts 
or making these AppleScripts into Services with Automator instead. This is just 
a very basic way to solve the problem.

If you want to read more about this basis these AppleScripts, check out the Mac 
OS X Hints web page from 2006 on "Listen to podcasts at 1.5x speed":

HTH.  Cheers,

<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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