If the audio book you are trying to play has m3u files, use those,
that will fix the ordering right away. If it's a commercial release,
believe it or not, a lot of the commercial audio book publishers
provide daisy book format files on the mp3 cds. I know brilliance
audio does, because I'm a reseller of their books, and every mp3 cd I
sell contains daisy book format files on it. That makes it work
perfectly with any daisy book reader. And, interesting enough, you
can take the daisy file (can't recall off the top of my head which
one) and open it in quicktime, and it will treat it as an m3u file,
and play the files in order. I'd have to dig out one of the cds and
look to see which file this is, but I've done this a few times, and
it works like a treat. Personally, the only thing I use itunes for
is audible content, everything else gets quicktime, vlc or manual
construction of m3u files which allows use in one of the first two. :)
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