Can somebody please share the link of this post again? I can't find the 
original message.

El 09/04/2013, a las 05:03, Eric Caron <eric_ca...@mac-access.net> escribió:

> Hi Esther,
>       This post is amazing!  I read it at least three times and learned 
> something new an useful each time.  Also, I went back to the NLS BARD site 
> today and went through the recently added books armed with my new open in new 
> window skills and,  Wow! did that ever work great and it saved me lots of 
> time!  I can't believe I waited so long to master this function.  I'm not 
> much of a shopper but I also remember using Amazon and being frustrated by 
> not being able to return to the place I was at before hitting a link.  I 
> suspect this is going to help make many web sites easier and faster to use!
> Eric Caron 
> On Apr 7, 2013, at 11:49 PM, Esther <mori...@mac-access.net> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Thanks for reporting back.  I think the shortcuts listed on the Safari 
>> preference pane for tabs did work more reliably in earlier versions of 
>> Safari, and there was at least one web page that I found where using a 
>> control+mouse click on a link -- not just a mouse click alone -- worked to 
>> bring up the context menu.  (With mouse keys turned on, I held down the 
>> Control key and then tapped the "i" key.  I did not have NumPad Commander 
>> enabled on a laptop with the third-party  KeyRemap4MacBook software loaded.)
>> The substitution of enter for click in the listed shortcuts works for the 
>> same reason that using Option+Enter works for VoiceOver users to force 
>> downloads of linked files, while general Mac users will know this as using 
>> the Option+Click shortcut to force downloads of files.  This may also 
>> explain the situations where usage with VoiceOver gets flakey.  By the way,  
>> I'll continue to describe this as "Option+Enter", but a Mac purist would say 
>> this is "Option+Return".  There's a different keyboard code for the "Enter" 
>> key than for the "Return" key, and the "Enter" key can be used to rename 
>> files in Finder, but it cannot be used to exit dialog windows by sending the 
>> default selections, as the "Return" key does, both on the Mac, and on the 
>> virtual keyboard of iOS devices.  
>> If VoiceOver is not turned on, but the mouse cursor is positioned at a link, 
>> pressing the Option key while clicking with either mouse of Trackpad 
>> indicates the selected file that is clicked on should be downloaded.  But if 
>> VoiceOver is turned on, we are using full keyboard access, and this means 
>> that in addition to the standard shortcut keys, "Space bar" selects a 
>> highlighted button and "Return" opens a highlighted link.  When the 
>> VoiceOver cursor moves to the link, it highlights it in the same way that 
>> clicking on the link indicates selection (along with a command to open the 
>> link). So when we use "Option+Enter (really Return)", with VoiceOver on (and 
>> focused on the link), and hence with full keyboard access enabled, we 
>> perform the same selection and activation with the Option key modifier as 
>> sighted users do with Option+Click.  Here's another way to tell that 
>> highlighting the selection (done with VoiceOver focused on the link) plus 
>> pressing Option+Enter works to force a d
> ow
>> nload: whether or not someone is using VoiceOver. If you started playing an 
>> mp3 file associated with a link in your browser, because you clicked on the 
>> link, you can force the file to download without going back to the link by 
>> pressing Command+L, which moves to the address bar and highlights the URL, 
>> and then pressing Option+Enter (really "Return").  That works whether or not 
>> someone is using VoiceOver.
>> Now lets look at the cases where people have had problems highlighting a 
>> link and forcing a download with Option+Enter.  The most common case people 
>> reported of not simply being able to move to the link, route their mouse 
>> cursor to the VoiceOver cursor, and press Option+Enter to download, was on 
>> the podcast links of the main Blind Cool Tech podcast page.  Unless you 
>> first interact with that link, which also gets announced as a heading, you 
>> could not use Option+Enter to download the podcast.  Also, another thing 
>> that did not work unless your first interacted with the link to the podcast 
>> on the BCT podcast page was getting the context menu options to open the 
>> linked content in a new page or download it when you used VO-Shift-M.
>> I think what may happen in problem cases where these Option+Enter 
>> (equivalent to Option-click) and Command+Option+Shift+Enter (equivalent to 
>> command+option+shift+click) shortcuts do not work, is that the HTML coding 
>> for the link on the page is not letting VoiceOver automatically highlight 
>> the necessary information for the link within the VoiceOver cursor.
>> This reminds me a bit of the navigation experience in the old MobileMe web 
>> pages, where, like your arrowing away from and then back on to a link in 
>> order to use the Shift-Command-Option-Enter shortcut, some of what I could 
>> do depended on how I navigated to the web page elements.
>> This is just conjecture, but it does explain why, if other web page elements 
>> are present, you might find using the shortcuts apparently unreliable.  
>> Command-Option-Enter should have opened the link in a new window, while 
>> Shift-Command-Option-Enter should have opened the link in a new window and 
>> made it the active window. (I think Sarah must have the box in Safari 
>> preferences for tabs, for "When a new tab or window opens, make it active.)
>> Josh asked, in another post, how one changed the settings on the Safari 
>> Preferences window for tabs.  I'm not sure if this is what he means, but 
>> basically, you can set your preferences to open new web pages in either a 
>> new tab of your browser, or a new window.  The current default setting for 
>> Safari is to open new web pages in a new tab.  Some versions back, the 
>> default used to be to open new web pages in a new window.  You make your 
>> selection by setting the pop menu to "Open pages in tabs instead of windows" 
>> either "Always" (if you use tabs) or "Never" (if you use windows).  
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On 7 Apr 2013, at 12:41, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Esther and others,
>>>     I found the short cuts where you indicated but I would not have known 
>>> to substitute enter for click.  One more interesting detail.  I believe I 
>>> did try command, Option, Enter on the link and nothing happened several 
>>> times.  I went back to the NLS BARD site and practiced a bit.  I found that 
>>> if I am going down the list and land on the link I want to open in a new 
>>> window it often doesn't respond to Command, Option, Enter or Shift, 
>>> Command, Option Enter unless I arrow away from the link then come back to 
>>> it.  It then seems to work consistently.  So if the command is not working 
>>> for someone out there try arrowing away and then back to the link.  Like 
>>> Esther I was questioning my memory as I thought command,Option Enter was 
>>> supposed to open a link in a new window.  But, it just was not working!  
>>> Now, it does if I arrow away and back.  Doing a mouse click on the link 
>>> also did not make the key command work.
>>> Still this is a quick way to get the site to do what I need.
>>> Eric Caron 
>>> On Apr 7, 2013, at 1:15 PM, Esther <mori...@mac-access.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>> Now I'm feeling senile and forgetful. The keyboard shortcut options are 
>>>> actually listed on the tab preferences pane of Safari, if you read down 
>>>> past the pop up menu that for opening pages in tabs or windows, and use 
>>>> enter instead of click.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Esther
>>>> On 7 Apr 2013, at 06:43, Eric Caron wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sarah, Esther, and others,
>>>>> I tried Esther's and Sarah's suggestions and Sarah's worked!  Command, 
>>>>> Option, Shift, Enter pressed when on the link of the book title opened 
>>>>> the link in a window that when closed left me back in my original 
>>>>> location on the web site.  This will be a huge time saver for me on the 
>>>>> NLS BARD site.  I look forward to trying this on other sites such as 
>>>>> Amazon to see if it also works.
>>>>> I tried changing the setting as Esther described but unless I did it 
>>>>> wrong it didn't work the way I needed.
>>>>> Without this community on lists like this one, how would I ever have 
>>>>> found that key combination?  Thanks everyone.
>>>>> Eric Caron 
>>>>> On Apr 7, 2013, at 12:13 PM, Sarah k Alawami <marri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> If you hit cmd  option shift enter it normally opens in a new window, at 
>>>>>> least for me. There is a safari extension to do this but I forgot what 
>>>>>> it was called and I uninstalled it as safari freezes when I install 
>>>>>> extensions and i can't get to the install dialogue. or button quick 
>>>>>> enough.
>>>>>> Take care.
>>>>>> On Apr 7, 2013, at 9:00 AM, "Phil Halton" <philh...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> This is the one big failing of Safari in my opinion. I don't know why 
>>>>>>> they don't fix this so that returning from a link positions you back at 
>>>>>>> the same spot on the webpage. I'll be watching this thread with 
>>>>>>> interest.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Caron" 
>>>>>>> <eric_ca...@mac-access.net>
>>>>>>> To: "Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility" <mac-access@mac-access.net>
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 9:21 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: How to Open link in new window?
>>>>>>>> Hi listers,
>>>>>>>> I thought there was a way to open a link in a new window so that you 
>>>>>>>> could then return to the original web page and be in the same 
>>>>>>>> position.  I can't seem to find that command.
>>>>>>>> Here is what I'm trying to do.  I am in the NLS BARD and land on a 
>>>>>>>> book I want to add to my wish list.  I press the link and go to a new 
>>>>>>>> page where I add the book then press back to summery list.  I then 
>>>>>>>> return to the original web page but am at the top and now have to sort 
>>>>>>>> through 18,000 items or more to get back to the place I was at.  Item 
>>>>>>>> chooser works but is slow.  If I could return to the site at the same 
>>>>>>>> location I left from I would save lots of time.
>>>>>>>> Suggestions are greatly appreciated!
>>>>>>>> Eric Caron
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