It has been a while since I have used this but isn't there a default for
opening mail already? I thought it was option key plus m? At least I
think i remember it being that way.
On 7/20/2013 2:51 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
Hey Carol, I believe you might accidentally be closing all of mail when trying
to close an email. I occasionally do this as I leave my mail open all the time
on my desktop. A quick way to relaunch mail is having a keyboard commander for
mail. I use the z key with the modifier key I think option it is next to the
left arrow, so any time I accidentally close mail and mail is still open but
says mail has no windows I just hit option Z and boom my mail is immediately
back. Hope this helps.
On Jul 20, 2013, at 3:19 PM, Carol <> wrote:
Hi Andy and all,
I think we discussed this a little while back and were both feeling a bit
confused when we found ourselves in this situation (which I always think of as
being in a maze, - and that isn't my favourite place to be!
Well, I wandered there again today - and knew I would - so just had to find a
realistic way out! Eventually I came up with this (as well as I can remember
it now).
Go to Mail Menu then to File Menu. There, I discovered, was another item ((which had
appeared), "which was New Viewer Window". (I think command option N gets you
there. ...
This re-loads the window you were in last! (I was in fact making my way back
to my In-box at the time.)
I then brought up the Item Chooser and found my In-box (safely and quickly) and
was back on the road once again.
I hope you can follow this, just about as well as I am following it now after
being on the Mac for ages, and ending up back there again ... because I did
something stupid whilst writing this email. Anyway, I really do hope that it
helps you! also! If it does then it's all worthwhile!
Can anyone else explain, please, why we keep wandering into this situation?
It's obviously to do with wrong keystrokes ... Is there an easier way out than
I've given here?
Thanks and I'm off the Mac now for today!
Carol P
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