Hello Lynnette,

In respect of this program. It is very easy. However, the more you want =
to customise the more it is involved. There is one file that you need to =
edit, if you wish to change anything from the defaults. It's as simple =
as typing abcde.

To Install, providing you have Macports installed:
# sudo port install abcde
Put your CD in the drive and type:
# abcde

This will put a full stop after the number of the track. It will create =
a directory of the artist's name. Inside that directory, will be a sub =
directory of the artist's name. Of the albumn. Being open source =
software the default format is vorbis ogg. It is in q3 mode. All of this =
is changeable within the abcde.conf file. It is very well commented =
file. It can be edited within TextEdit. By default is found in =

It is better to leave that one alone and make a copy of it in your own =
home directory. I then copy that one to a file called rip-ogg and =
another called rip-mp3. I then edit both of those rip files with the =
settings I desire for ogg and mp3 files. When I come to rip a disk to =
mp3 I type:

# abcde -c rip-mp3

and for ogg:

# abcde -c rip-ogg.

I have kept the above very simple and such examples may need path =
directives. If you put your customised files in a different place to =
that you give the command.
An example of the default might be from pwd (Present working directory)

Artist Name
inside that
        Album Name
Inside that

The only problem I have found is ejecting the CD. I'm having to switch =
to the desktop and ejecting from there.

If you wish to view a abcde.conf which is similar to the default:


VO and Safari seem to take you through 69 numbered links before the =
text. I think it is a method of editing that copy and saving it locally.


Georgina Joyce
Applied Psychologist
Training and Coaching.
Because individuals of groups matter!

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