It is dreadful wi fi on my Mac Book Air but  no issues with the Pro

> On 31 Dec 2014, at 15:52, David Griffith <> wrote:
> I am afraid in this case of Yosemite your Mum may have had a point.
> Luckily I have a constant ether net connection but I have observed people 
> tearing their hair out on various lists over wifi connection issues since 
> Yosemite came out. As you are aware Apple tried to address some of these 
> Wi-Fi dropping out problems with the last Yosemite update but I have noted 
> from reading RSS feeds etc that many are still complaining even after the 
> latest update that the alleged fix from Apple has failed to resolve the 
> problem.
> I have not watched this too closely as I do not use Wi-Fi on my Mac but this 
> is certainly one of the most regrettable deficiencies in the Yosemite 
> release. The peculiar thing is that it seems failry random in the models it 
> affects. I think people on this list have reported for example that their MBP 
> connects fine with Yosemite whilst their MBA has this problem, or it might 
> have been vice versa.
> Sorry not to be more helpful but just to warn you it may not in fact be 
> resolvable until until Apple finally mends this part of Yosemite.
> David Griffith
>> On 31/12/2014 15:24, Glenn / Lenny wrote:
>> Chris,
>> If it were the power supply, it would cause all the units to drop off.
>> I would try going into her computer to forget that network, and then search
>> again and let it find the network, and reconnect as though it was the first
>> time of connecting to it.
>> HTH.
>> Glenn
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:08 AM
>> Subject: [Mac-access]: Major irritation, and Baffling Wifi Trouble
>> OK, this is absolutely driving my mom and I both crazy!  Actually, I'm
>> writing this message on her behalf in hopes that we can figure this out.  I
>> told her that I fear, she might have a shot wifi adapter, but God only
>> knows!
>> So, here's the situation.  My mother went about a month  ago at the
>> beginning of December, to the Verizon store, and activated service with an
>> IPad Air... Not the newer Air, just the older first generation.  Nice unit,
>> by the way.  I bought a wifi only model about half a week later, if that
>> tells you all how jealous I was.  LOL!  Anyway, one thing about my mother
>> that you have to understand is, first off, she's not computer savvy at all.
>> She can do e-mail, and maybe incredibly basic internet browsing which mainly
>> consists of shopping on Amazon if needed, shopping on the Keurig web site,
>> then doing her online banking.  She can do more than that if she really puts
>> her mind to it, but it's extremely rare.  It literally took almost 3 years
>> to convince her to get a newer IPad.  She jumped from a wifi only first
>> generation up to what she now has.
>> One thing about my mom, too is, she never ever runs software updates.  I
>> don't care if it's a major update, or not, she simply refuses.  Every time
>> that an update comes out which addresses some of the issues she's having,
>> she tells me she's not going to do it, as quote unquote, it'll screw up her
>> system.  A lot of times, I wind up having to do the updates when she is at
>> work and I'm at home alone, just because otherwise, she'll find out and
>> throw her usual tantrom about why she doesn't want me doing anything.  I
>> could go on to tell you about how she didn't believe a word I said when I
>> told her Verizon won't take a 1st gen IPad, it's so old, never mind the fact
>> that it's not on their network, and is wifi only.  Never mind that she
>> didn't believe me when I told her you can't sync a backup of I O S 4 to an I
>> O S 8 device.  Finally the lady at the Verizon store had to basically set
>> her straight since my mom wouldn't listen to a darn thing I said.
>> Anyway, my point is, God knows what she's done, if anything to cause this.
>> It's really hard to say.  So, she gets her IPad, and she and I go back and
>> forth, forth and back, about how for her needs, Yosemite would be a good
>> free update, and would insure that things worked optymally with her new
>> IPad.  It took me almost 4 nights to finally convince her.  Finally, she
>> told me to do it, and run the update.  So, I get it updated for her, and all
>> is working flawlessly.  I turned on automatic updates, so that when one came
>> out, it would notify her.  I figured that might make her feel a bit more
>> confident to update things if she sees it pop up on her screen, as then she
>> doesn't have to take her stupid little son's word for things.  Pardon my
>> insult to myself.  LOL!  So, finally, about half a week ago, she comes
>> practically screaming! her head off at me from down stairs, "Chris, what the
>> hell did you do to my mac!"  I was like, um... for one, you mind being a bit
>> more polite?  Secondly, I didn't do anything... Why?  She starts barking
>> about how it doesn't work.  I ran an update and now it's gonna crash, she
>> knows it, as she's seeing early signs of it.  When I asked her to describe
>> to me the symptoms, she told me her wifi isn't working.  So, I'm going,
>> mehh, this'll be an easy one!  Let me go down and show her how to get the
>> blasted thing back online.  Well, that went over real! well, as I wound up
>> eating crow.  Here I am saying this is an easy fix, well, it's not.  I've
>> been trying to figure this out for quite some time.  Basically, her wifi is
>> dropping offline literally every 10 or so seconds.  The icon up in the menu
>> extras keeps saying no signal.  This is very very strange, as the very
>> little it does connect, it has 4 of 4 bars.
>> I went online and looked, only to find that for Yosemite, Apple somewhat
>> recently released an update which fixed wifi issues for some users.  I'm not
>> totally sure what the specifics are of this, or if my mother was one of the
>> effected people, but I made her aware of this, and told her, this is why you
>> need to run updates when prompted.  She still yelled at me, telling me I
>> didn't know jack crap, and to leave her quote unquote, broken mac mini
>> alone.  So, I dropped it until last night.  Well, last night, she gets off
>> work, in an absolutely fowel mood, and tells me, "Fix my mac, and do it now!
>> I can't get online, and I need to do some business."  As if she couldn't do
>> it with her work laptop instead.  Anyway, so once I finally convinced her
>> I'd trouble shoot things further, but she'd have to trust me, she finally
>> agreed to let me look.  The first thing I did, which she was incredibly
>> hesitant to let me do was to take the mac upstairs where I could hardwire it
>> to an active ethernet connection to reliably pull updates.  She literally
>> had about 15 of them, if memory serves me right.  It was quite a few... one
>> of them yes, being that wifi update.  Once done, I disconnected the
>> ethernet, and put her back on wifi.  It connected just fine.  No issue at
>> all!  Then, about 10 seconds later, boom!  It went off, and said no signal.
>> I should add that at this time, the system was no more than maybe 5 feet, if
>> even that, from the router.  I also should add that my Windows laptop, all
>> three of my macs, my blueray player, my musical keyboard, my IPhone and
>> IPad, my Apple TV, my Samsung Android tablet, and even my Samsung Galaxy
>> Android phone all are consistently connecting to the wifi and not dropping
>> even once regardless.  I don't think I've seen them drop even once since I
>> got this new router last October.  At least, not unless I purposely made it
>> drop while trouble shooting something.  I looked in my router at the dhcp
>> client table, and there is absolutely no IP conflict on the network that
>> would cause this to be knocking her off.  The MTU is fine, 1500, there is no
>> packet loss at all when I ping her system via terminal, at least not for the
>> few seconds she'll maintain connectivity.  By the way, her ethernet isn't
>> having this issue.  I've ran a verify disk, repair disk, verify permissions,
>> and fix permissions on her macintosh HD from within the recovery partition.
>> I reset both her SMC, as well as her PRam.  I've tried setting up another
>> user administrator account to see if maybe something with her particular
>> user got corrupted, I looked in the router, and the netmasc is definitely
>> correct:  I went to
>> and she's got a valid IP from our ISP whilst being online.
>> I went to:
>> and I ran a full system net speedtest, and those results were perfect.
>> She's getting a 15MB file down at 18Mbps, and up at 4Mbps, which all things
>> considerred, is really good!
>> I installed a tracert utility, and the number of hops from her localhost to
>> were phenominal.  They were perfectly  within acceptable range.
>> I called Time Warner, and had them look at the modem itself.  Our RF DB
>> noise ratio on the coax line is perfect, not that that really matters in
>> this case, per sé, being we're dealing with wifi, not direct connection, but
>> I didn't want to not rule it out.  At this point, I was unwilling to
>> discount anything.  Within the network preferences, under the wifi service,
>> I went to advanced.  In here, I looked at the dns.  It's correctly on
>> automatic, and the primary router IP is correct, the primary dns IP is
>> showing the router's IP, and the secondary is showing Time Warner, which is
>> 100% correct, as it should be.  Her TCP/IP settings all look correct.  I
>> released, and renewed her IP, which did no good.  I power cycled the router,
>> and the modem.  NO good.  It's still dropping.  It's better, yes, but still
>> by no means acceptable.  It's now dropping about once every 5 minutes.  I
>> went under system prefs and looked at her energy settings.  Nothing is set
>> to knock her network ability offline after being idle for X amount of time.
>> I looked under the wins tab within advanced of the network preferences on
>> the wifi service.  I made sure that she was connected to the same workgroup
>> as the rest of our LAN.  She wasn't, so I promptly fixed that issue, then
>> rebooted.  That didn't help.  I looked to see if she had turned on the
>> firewall under system prefs security.  She hadn't.  I looked at the firewall
>> internally within the router, and nothing was blocking her system at all.
>> So, yeah, I'm totally perplexed beyond belief!  I honestly am totally at my
>> wit's end.  I told her she may have to go take the thing into the Apple
>> store, and make a Genious appointment.  The only other thing I can think is
>> that her wifi adapter itself is shotty.  I dono how that could of happened
>> so randomly, but, I guess it's hardware.  Anything's possible.  Again, it's
>> the whole, is it possible?  Yes.  Is it probabal?  NO.  But short of beating
>> the thing with a jackhammer, I don't know what else to do!
>> Obviously, I'm kidding about the jackhammer remark.  I'm not that dumb!
>> LOL!  When I made mention about this to her, and told her she may have to
>> pay though, as she never got the Ajpple Care plan, she started her usual
>> yelling again at me, saying how it's my fault for not telling her to get it
>> back in the days, which of corse, newsflash!  I did! teller!  She just
>> didn't wanna do it, because she thought it wasn't necessary.  I told her
>> back in the days, OK, then don't come crying to me if something breaks.
>> She's like, nothing'll break.  W'w'wail?  Hmm!  Gee? Gee, Gee!  Really?  Ya,
>> think?  How's that wifi card workin for her?  LOL!
>> I think I finally convinced her to take it in, but, God knows.  By the way,
>> I did try connecting her to another wifi network at a neighbor's house, and
>> even there, she had this issue as well, so we definitely can rule out that
>> it's not! our router that's the issue.  Have I maybe missed something in all
>> my frustration?  Or are you all leaning to the  same conclusion I am...
>> busted wifi card.
>> Chris.
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