On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 13:29:33 -0800, Jose Cheung wrote:

>> Seen that. :) It wasn't broadcast during the series
>> original run, but was dug up and aired later on a
>> "Best of the Worst" TV special. The cast and crew
>> had done it as a gag. ;)
>I saw that one this weekend somewhere, too. It's
>amazing how DSL has broadened my world to gag-reel
>type stuff online.

Well...I'm shocked ;-o

I must have seen most of the episodes as a kid, and I always did wonder
why Rod, Jane and Roger were so incredibly happy all the time...

>Seeing a post from this group reminded me of a
>non-urgent Mac question that 's been on my mind. Last
>month, I upgraded from 10.2.6 to 10.3.5. I'm up to
>10.3.6 now. I've read that the default terminal shell
>changed from tcsh to bash with 10.3, but my terminal
>is still running tcsh. Which shell do others of you
>with 10.3 have?

I was about to reply and say that, as I understand it, if you do a Jaguar
-> Panther upgrade you keep the old shell. Then I took a look at my
iBook, which came with Jaguar and a Panther upgrade in the box and found
that it was running bash. Maybe because I did the Jaguar -> Panther
upgrade before I started the terminal app for the first time?


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