J.M.P.Hissel wrote:

Just for fun:
I downloaded the Combo 10.3.6 , using a PM9600/350, OS9.1, 576MB RAM,
Once in IE 5.1.7 and once in iCab Pre 2.98
DL in IE took 12min. 41sec
DL in iCab took 3min. 14sec.
All the same: Mac, OS, connection, the file (92MB), just the browsers
Funny, isn't it??

Shade over 2 minutes on a pc with cable using IE. Peak transfer 638kb/sec.

Why would anyone run IE on OSX as a benchmark or be surprised at the result? The last release for BetaX was 5.2.3 which was let loose on an unsuspecting public over *15 months ago* - support has since been dropped for the Mac port. You have Safari embedded like every other NixOS finally, geez that took a while.

Which browser renders pages better? Whats wrong with Konqueror (I think you call it Safari) or one of the Mozilla releases?
Timing a FTP transfer may make an interesting comparision - just for fun.

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