M D wrote:

Hi Darren

I haven't tried running Duke 3D under "Windows" as yet :)
It's only the original DOS version I've been playing. With a very brief
diversion to playing the Mac port - my 1st 'Duke' experience - which I
think sucks royally. Admittedly this was the Mac demo version, and is
only MNSHO!

We can fix that Mike. I wouldnt be surprised if they're one in the same.

So Duke plays on VPC3 and DOS? Cool.

No probs apart from the sound emulation, probably my fault I was in a hurry.

Why the need of voodoo2 when VPC2 emulates an S3 4 Mb card? Or is it the
Mac requiring a video card? Will the VPC video speed up, because of the
better video? VPC2 is Mac only, IIRC. I would love to have one [voodoo2]
for the old PCI beige beast, myself. --- I've got a Win95 drive file but
it's purly for testing [some] Win9 apps before allowing them to exist on
a "real" Win drive.... it is so painfully slow. If a vid card could
improve this I might run an OS newer than WFW 3.11 on it :)

As I understand it VPC will make use of a Voodoo2 breaking the 4mb ceiling for vram which I see as the major drawback of pc emulation. I'll throw a couple of bucks at it to find out, last local V2 on ebay went for $15, I was at work and missed it. Worst case, I have another old video card for yet another old mac or pc.


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