OS X seems to run postfix all the time, though nothing on port 25 (SMTP).
I assume the postfix stuff it is running is only for outgoing mail queues
via the 'mail' command (automated apple scripts), but no real clue.

It'll take me a bit of digging around in the /etc/postfix/ configurations,
but it would seem that you could just run your own SMTP server and set the
mail program to talk to localhost.

I may be missing something important here as I rarely use mail on the
desktop (I log into my server and do the mail there).


On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Harry Jacobson-Beyer wrote:

> Two options of which I am aware. Web mail (if aye.net has it) or with a
> juno or yahoo or similar account - it's all web based, just log onto
> their site compose and send email.
> The other option is to ask the coffee shop who provides their broadband
> connection, then change your outgoing SMTP server as appropriate. In
> fact, I would duplicate your account from aye.net and call it coffee
> shop, or whatever, and then just change the outgoing SMTP server for that
> account and you won't have to change it back when you leave the shop.
> Bell South's outgoing SMTP server is mail.bellsouth.net
> I'm guessing insight is mail.insightbb.com
> I'd be willing to bet somone who travels a lot has listed, out there on
> the net, outgoing mail SMTP info.
> Anyway, good luck.
> Tuesday, August 17, 200410:43 PMJohn Robinsonprofile at aye.net
> >
> >Group,
> >
> >Is there anything that can be done to SEND email when you are connected
> >to a high speed connection from a coffee shop or hotel?  I have had two
> >experiences this week where I could use there connection, but could not
> >send anything.  Any way around this other than using dial-up?
> >
> >Many thanks,
> >
> >John R.
> >
> >
> >
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