
In response to what I wrote

>>  So, When you start talking about wanting to copy copyrighted DVD 
>> movies on your computer? This is not a simple question for any 
>> Developer to answer--especially since you are asking questions that 
>> are essentially are about "how to break the law". Copying DVD media, 
>> is not a "right"

and Henri's response:

> Not true. Copying media is your right, upheld by the supreme court etc
> etc doodah doodah.
> However, the creators of the media have the right to make copying as
> painful as possible, and the DMCA says you are not allowed to get 
> around
> things they have put in place.
> This basically creats a loophole: You have the right to copy. They have
> the right to stop you. You don't have the right to counter their stop.


You are very very wrong.
I pay my GDM, IT attorneys $250 an hour to keep me in the legal clear 
on copyrights and licenses, and to also write my copyright contracts 
for my projects with the studios.  Are you saying, what they taught me 
is wrong for the past decade is wrong, and that you know more than they 

Hacking passkeys, and copying DVD content or any media disk for that 
matter,  is not a sovereign "right", ethically or legally by ANY court 
of law here or anywhere.  Copying DVDs, is considered reverse 
engineering and that it is considered stealing Intellectual Property. 
Plus, With DVDs the media itself is considered a canvas, not just a 
media material, since the disk is painted with art, graphics, 
trademarks, etc. This means the DVD plastics, the disk is an intrinsic 
part of the work itself- like the oil paint applied to a canvas 
painting. And with DVDs every disk is in essence be considered a 
"Master Disk" or "Original".  Ouch.

So, Copying a DVD and distributing it to another- meaning, in real 
life: like giving one copy to a friend,  or worse, posting it online 
for sharing to lots of people, IS considered "Distribution". That 
means=Stealing not just once, but twice. Doing either of these things, 
is a severe criminal act, is rated a felony- a criminal equivalent to 
stealing a car.

Minumum jail time for felony? Is one year or more....

And , Just so you know, financially, I do know, the least damage for 
artist infringement for a CD hack theft, will be at least 50 grand + 
plus court costs. I am sure DVDs is 5 times of that, since the volume 
of property is multiple of what CDs are. Then on top of that, you also 
will get stuck paying the bill for the artists attorneys bringing your 
ass to court.  On top comes the artists' reputation damages, which can 
be unlimited, since a jury determine that amounts.  Once you are proven 
as an infringer?  (which is not hard to prove, since copying leaves a 
code trail) You will pay it all.

So Henri, If you can afford to risk your reputation, and have all this 
money to pay all these damages, and get the ink stain of a class A 
felony onto your LIFE  record-  a permanent mark on your life record 
that can never be erased, a record that can follow you where-ever you 
go in the world? When you apply for a job, apply for a home or car 
loan, go to school, travel, get a parking ticket, heeeey. "Mr 
Policeman, why you stopping me???"   As they say, once a felon, always 
a felon.

Does this Sound like FUN to exercise your so called rights, in this 
way? Is  it worth it, to hack open and copy a stupid DVD, really WORTH 
the cost, this kind of risk to your life, or to encourage others to 
follow suit?   If so, Go ahead! Buy your DVD hack recorder, Henri!  And 
then, hey after that? Be an even bigger fool and let everyone know 
about it on a public mailing list. even better, get your friends and 
family involved in it all--they will thank you later!  After all--as 
you say?  It is one's free "right" to be a stupid fool, copy a 
company's artistic product, brag about it, bring everyone you know into 
the fold, yep, do something THAT dumb in America, is a free right isn't 

Yes, Those stupid Americans! How could anyone, ever consider copying 
those DVDs, and CDs as stealing someone else's work--as wrong! That is 
just sharing the love, isn't it!???  Yes, think of it. That is my RIGHT 
to share anything I touch, with whoever I want to give this stuff to.

Thinking like you are? This is so ethically and spiritually- wrong.

Remember the lady that asked this question, about copying DVDs in the 
first place? Cathy? Rather than tell her to buy some hack machine 
online from some offshore crook, maybe she should be advised to just 
buy a used DVD disk for $10 at the corner video store, where-ever she 
travels. That's what I do, and I am able to sleep at night, knowing I 
have supported a few of my fellow artists in the entertainment 
industry. That feels nice.

Of course, that is MY choice to abide by the law, wherever I go, of 

You can do what you what-ever you do... Henri.  But you should be very 
VERY careful about what you advise others to do.... especially when it 
involves breaking the law. Aiding and Abeting, who more criminality, 
more fun, Ya know? Oooooo boy!  You sure can be shocking, Henri in the 
things you wrote.

Was that your true intent. To shock?

How fortunate it must be to move and live in a new country and do 
whatever you want and to make up your own laws....  I spent 6 months in 
England and when I was there? I was always aware I was a guest of 
another's country. I watched what I said and did there.

To feel, it is OK for you to take whatever you want, from whomever you 
want? And then afterwards to brag about doing so, to all us, stupid 
American fools that were born here? And making double sure we are told 
and really really aware of about how wrong we Americans are about our 
ethics, values, and laws...

Wow. That's Really, like

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