Hey folks,

I have responded directly to Kay and wish to apologize to the group for
unknowingly inciting a riot.  :)


Ward Oldham, MacDude
1041 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY  40204
ward at mactown.us

From: KR'sListMail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: <macgroup at erdos.math.louisville.edu>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 18:36:43 -0400
To: <macgroup at erdos.math.louisville.edu>
Subject: MacGroup: Re: Copying


In response to your post, you wrote

> From: Ward Oldham <woldham at insightbb.com>
> Subject: Re: MacGroup: Re: Copying
> But to slap someone down, bloody their nose and tell them they're
> uninformed
> and totally ignorant is uncalled for!

You say I don't have the right to protest someone stealing my or my
clients work?
Just, WHO is sticking whose nose in it?

When someone makes jokes about stealing entertainment artists' works,
your clients works, and even goes so far to describe methods and ways
to steal one's own work? I am supposed to sit silently by and smile
like a fool?  His post made me FURIOUS. I couldn't believe he had to
the gaul, the nerve to argue with me about my artwork and my creative
property rights here like he did.

As Henri knows, I am an Entertainment Artist and Architectural
Designer. Along the past twenty years, I have worked for Warner,
Disney, Universal, HBO, Paramount, Universal, Ripley, Blockbuster,
Virgin, and a handful of other entertainment companies. I have sold or
copyrighted my work to my clients.  My work appears on studio CDs,
Films, DVDs etc. I make my LIVING selling conceptual ideas for media
projects Theme parks, Stores, CDs, and DVDs.  We aren't talking about a
far away planet here, with people he doesn't know. We are talking about
MY life's work, and MY Clients who have bought and paid for my work.

And so, here is Henri, telling people on this list, about ways to copy
and steal some of my DVD works!!!  Right in front of me??? What nerve!

Ward, If someone stepped in your store, smashed out the windows, and
stole YOUR goods, and threatened your industry 24 hours a day, with
threats of theft?  How would you feel about that? And then if the guy,
strutted around and talked about doing these things to your Clients,
and taking your goods, and using them and doing so, RIGHT in front of
your face??? And then went on and even explained to others here, ways
that they could break into your store, next week and steal again and
again. And then argued with you how all of this is is OK, and how
stealing your work is "their Right"??? And to go on and on, how it is
COOL and FUNNY stealing your work is?

So given this truth, WHO Is pushing WHOSE buttons here?  I would like
to see how YOU would react, Ward, if someone made jokes about stealing
from your friends, clients and vendors work like that, right in front
of you!

I don't find his comments funny, at all- nor his guidance good or right
to the people on this list. And don't feel a bit sorry for speaking my
mind about his bad behaviour and words, in due concern.  I only wish I
had spoken up sooner, and expressed that I felt What he is doing is

So here is my final word on this subject:
It is not Henri's  RIGHT to reproduce MY copyrighted works or
the content on my studio clients DVDs.
Not now, not ever.  Period.

And if he does do so?
I DON'T want to know about it, not here, not anywhere.
Otherwise, I will be obligated to report it. Understand?

I am filled with pity after listening to some of you people.
How insensitive you are, how full of self-rightiousness to
do whatever you want. Such bad karma...

Obviously, after reading the latest posts, I do see how some of you
feel it is very ok to steal a creative person's work and use it however
you wish, without asking for the owners permission, or paying for the

I DO not agree--and obviously we will not ever agree on that issue. So,
I don't want to argue with you anymore about who my art work
belongs to. I Know who it belongs to, and I don't feel any need to
prove it here.

As far as I am concerned, this is the End of this UGLY Discussion. Good


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
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