Stop putting your signature logo in the email. You as well as anybody should
know that there are people out there who would take your signature and use
it for ill gotten gain.
Not that anyone on this list would but you never know who they forward to.
Best to be on the safe side Ward, kill the image.

On 1/1/03 5:03 PM, Ward Oldham at woldham at wrote:

> Hey Folks,
> In my efforts to look "cool", I've been inserting my signature along
> with my MacTown contact info.  However, I have two residual problems.
> First, whenever I insert my signature in an email that is a reply, it
> always inserts it at the bottom of my email, not at the insertion point
> where I have my cursor.  I always have to subsequently cut and paste it
> where I wanted it to begin with.
> Second, whenever I check copies of mail that I've sent (using Mail) on
> my G4 downstairs using Entourage, my signature is both preceeded and
> followed by horizontal keylines.
> Any insight?
> Ward Oldham, MacDude
> MacTown
> 1041 Bardstown Road
> Louisville, KY  40204
> 502-485-1243
> ward at

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