Thanks Mike!

After such a blunt reply by Mr. Regan, you're comments are welcome.  
Thanks!  But only a fool would not heed sound advice, even if it is 
given in such an abrasive fashion.

Ward Oldham

On Wednesday, January 1, 2003, at 06:18  PM, Mike Watkins wrote:

> Ward;
> I use BellSouth DSL and OSX.2.3 Mail and your signature comes through 
> just as it's supposed to . It does look cool.
> Mike
> On Wednesday, January 1, 2003, at 05:03  PM, Ward Oldham wrote:
>> Hey Folks,
>> In my efforts to look "cool", I've been inserting my signature along 
>> with my MacTown contact info.  However, I have two residual problems.
>> First, whenever I insert my signature in an email that is a reply, it 
>> always inserts it at the bottom of my email, not at the insertion 
>> point where I have my cursor.  I always have to subsequently cut and 
>> paste it where I wanted it to begin with.
>> Second, whenever I check copies of mail that I've sent (using Mail) 
>> on my G4 downstairs using Entourage, my signature is both preceeded 
>> and followed by horizontal keylines.
>> Any insight?
>> <image.tiff>
>> Ward Oldham, MacDude
>> MacTown
>> 1041 Bardstown Road
>> Louisville, KY  40204
>> 502-485-1243
>> ward at
> | The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
> | be January 28. The LCS Web page is <>.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 28. The LCS Web page is <>.

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