For the last couple of days all MacGroup list traffic to InsightBB 
addresses has been blocked. Apparently, they subscribe to a spam 
blacklisting service that's got the University of Louisville down as a 
spam source. Here is an example of the error messages I'm getting for 
each InsightBB subscriber. (Dozens of them with every e-mail posted to 
MacGroup--highly annoying.)

>     host[] said:
>     550- blocked by 
> 550 Blocked
>     for abuse. Please contact the administrator of your ISP or sending 
> mail
>     service. (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

I called the InsightBB support number and the somewhat less than 
clueful person on the other end didn't quite seem to understand the 
problem. If you know any InsightBB subscribers to this list, please let 
them know about the problem. Maybe several dozen calls to Insight will 
have more weight than one voice crying in the wilderness.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 25. The LCS Web page is <>.
| List posting address: <mailto:macgroup at>
| List Web page: <>

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