How do I use file sharing/remote access via the internet?  On my Mac at work
(OS 10.3.1), I went to "sharing" in system preferences and checked the box
for remote login; personal file sharing was already checked, as I use that
with my other Mac at work on the network.  (Should I have checked remote
Apple desktop?  I thought that was for monitoring what folks are doing on
the network.)

What I want to do is access the folder that I have already set up for file
sharing there from my computer at home or wherever via the internet--copy
files, send files, etc. as if I were on the network there.  The Apple help
file is a joke, as it only talks about how to allow terminal access to your
computer .  On Versiontracker, I found a few utilities but they seem to want
to access the remote computer's terminal program only.

Any ideas?


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