
If you are going to use Spin Doctor on Roxio Toast, I would suggest that you start with a short recording- maybe just a single song of three minutes or so, rather than the entire cassette. After you get the knack of recording and filtering something not too time consuming, you will be better equipped mentally to take on a longer recordings.

As for the connection, my Mac G5 has a connection on the back that has a label that looks like a circle with triangles on both sides. My connection plugs into this, and then at the other end has a double connector that fit into all the old hi-fy stuff, (one for each L & R channel).

I am sure you can pick up one of these connectors anywhere.

Neal Hammon

On Jul 426, 1120082007, at 3:43 PM, Marta Edie wrote:

I do have Roxio Toast, so as soon as I get back my , oh so needed balance, then I shall try that, probably with the help of the Lord above and you all standing by, since inputs and outputs sometime look the same to me. But I shall perservere! Hi o, hi o, hi o! It will be a bit later, though , after I get rid of my husband who is trying to cross the ocean, but can't manage the suitcase packing and what goes with it. In the meantime I shall check in- and output holes and what connecters might fit.

On Jul 26, 2008, at 14:39 PM, Neal Hammon wrote:

Regarding taking a cassette and transferring it into a computer; this
is duck soup with Roxio Toast and spin doctor.
I do it all the time, but there are no short cuts. It takes an hour
plus to record an hour.

With Spin Doctor (it comes with Toast) you first put the cassette on
a cassette player (I use an old Sony model TC-RX400 (sound like an
old sports car, doesn't it?) then with two wires pug it into my Max
G5 input. Put the Spin Doctor program on the finder, start your
cassette player, adjust volume with spin doctor, then set the player
to where  you want to start, push record on Spin Doctor, and the rest
is nearly automatic.

At the end of each session, push  the stop button on Spin Doctor,
then it ask if you want to filter the tape. If you say yes, there are
various devices to do so, and while you are doing it,  your original
is saved just in case to are not happy and want to start again
without recording the cassette again. You can also cut selection, and
leave some out if you please with out too much trouble. As a matter
of fact, I would say the cutting method used by Spin Doctor is about
as good as it gets. When you finally decide you have the cassette
saved the way you want it, you can push another button and send it to
iTune, or save it in several other ways.

Hope this help. Neal Hammon

On Jul 426, 1120082007, at 2:06 PM, Nelsn Helm wrote:

If you run the signal thru a speaker into a microfone, you will not
like the result. Instead run a wire from audio out, or speaker ports
to an audio in or microfone port.

I have seen it done with Audacity, a free program, but transferring
an hour took an hour, and plan on spending time reading the manual.

At 11:40 AM -0400 7/26/08, Marta Edie wrote:
I do have an iMic and also final Vinyl in my computer. I just
thought this to be only for old records, not for cassettes .My
cassette "thing" in order to play,needs to be connected to a radio
or other device, but I also have a number of players that play
cassettes as well as CDs, and I even can transfer the CDs unto a
cassette, but not vice versa which seems odd, but is true.
I thought maybe some of you all had done the procedure.


On Jul 26, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Bill Micou wrote:

Here are some discussions about how to do it:



Here is a step-by-step tutorial about how to do it:


and the $150.00 solution:

On Jul 26, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Marta Edie wrote:

Does anybody know how I could transfer the contents of some of my
old cassette tapes into the computer and then burn CDs or even
turn them into CDs by some other magical device?


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