An observation, no real value I guess but I have a little of Marta in  
me as I like to know answers.

I downloaded a movie trailer on a Mac that had a 21" LCD flat screen  
monitor, the current version until the 24" LED came out.

I watched most of the trailer and I always look at the props in a  
shot, wondering how the set was arranged and what articles they used.   
I zoomed in on the books behind the actor's head and I could read most  
of the titles.  I had downloaded the High Def. in the largest file  
size offered.

I then decided to see how the trailer would look on the machine that  
had the 24" LED monitor so I downloaded the same identical trailer.

The actors "popped", so clear and the viewing experience was much more  
pleasant.  But when I zoomed in on the books behind the actor I could  
not read a one, they were a total blur and that was before I really  
got close.

So, how in the world can this be?  How is it an LED can give such a  
fantastic viewing experience but lack the clarity on a zoom?

May not be an answer but I wanted to see if anyone had a reason.

Many thanks,


The next Louisville Computer Society meeting will
be May 26 at MacAuthority, 128 Breckinridge Lane. 
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