Albion! Wow, I used to live (HALF a century ago!) in Willits, 55 driving miles (and TWO hours, according to Google) NNE of Albian.

<,+Mendocino,+California+95410&daddr=willits,+CA&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=39.222269,-123.769998&sspn=0.011171,0.017724&ie=UTF8&ll=39.321135,-123.583965&spn=0.713918,1.134338&t=h&z=10 >

Mendicino county is one beautiful place! My dad used to go abalone fishing with friends from his church over at the coast (I wasn't big enough to bring along), and I have visited in the area a few times since. I love the geography of the CA coast, from Santa Barbara north (avoid LA and south). Gorgeous.

You didn't say: does he have broadband? You may have hinted at it by calling it rural, but noted Mac author Jim Heid lives in Mendocino (the town), a few miles up the coast from Albion, so it can't be a TOTAL tech wasteland.


On Aug 30, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Neal Hammon <> wrote:


I know exactly what you mean, but I spent my money for this rural place before anyone even had email, much less broadband. And rural in California is just like rural here. My brother-in-law lives in a house on a cliff overlooking the Ocean near Albian. But he does not get too many visitors. The state of California had a sign on the road going to his house that says, "Danger. Unsafe Road, Use at your own risk."

I drive fast when visiting. But he can sit on his porch and watch the whales. He moved to California because he did not like hot weather, and he never has to worry about hot weather most of the time because it is so foggy. I guess it takes all type to make up this old world.

Neal Hammon
from my warmed up G5 going out on a old slow AT&T wire.

On Aug 430, 1120092007, at 4:15 PM, Jonathan Fletcher wrote:


I was driving along HWY 1 up the coast of CA a few years ago and there is this incredibly awesome stretch between San Louis Obispo and Monterey. It's the section that includes San Simeon, Big Sur and a whole lot of near-vertical rock descending down into the Pacific Ocean. We stopped at a turnout to take pictures and I took a few shots of this house out on the end of a point sticking out into the ocean. It was surrounded by trees and an absolutely incredible view of the ocean.

I was imagining myself living in such a cool corner of the world when it dawned on me, "I wonder how you would get broadband out here?" Immediately following that was the realization that I hadn't even been able to get a cell signal for the past few hours. I suppose that if I could afford to live at a place like that that I could afford to have someone run a cable over the mountains to this lonely place. But, I would probably beat my head against the satellite wall for a while before I spent the megabucks it would take to get a decent broadband connection there. It would be idyllic and intensely frustrating at the same time.

I love rural locales and would love to live on a palatial country estate, like you, but if I couldn't get decent broadband I'm afraid I would have to pass.

Can't do it.

I will be SOOOOO useless in a post-apocalyptic world!

Jonathan Fletcher
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