
Before WW2, battleships became obsolete. In retrospect, the Japs did us a favor by sinking most of ours at Pearl Harbor. I served on three cruisers during WW2 and the Korean War; those skinny battle cruisers did not become obsolete until about 1960.

I take it you do not want a copy of my book on the Korean War.

Neal Hammon

PS: If you still have the little back book I left in the Lear Jet, keep it. Those California girls are getting too old for me.

On Aug 430, 1120092007, at 9:59 PM, Jonathan Fletcher wrote:

On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:39 PM, Neal Hammon <> wrote:

When Obama took office, I thought it best to sell my Lear Jet, and so I do not get out to California much any more.

I THOUGHT your name sounded familiar! I found it on some old paperwork in the glove box. I disposed of the, ahem, contraband. I'm constantly finding secret compartments as I spend more time in it. You say you went to South America a lot, too?

But there was a little river between Albion and Mendocino, where I liked to go canoeing in their neat little dug outs. They had a hundred year old tree as a footbridge across this creek, but a flood finally took it out to sea, where it was salvaged, and sold for a small fortune. That is the only time I thought about moving to California. Imagine, making a fortune from selling one tree. I have a thousand of them where I live live now, and I have to pay to have them cut down!

Call a lumber company and they'll take as many as you want and pay you. Then you get to repair the damage to the land, but hey, it's money.

My problem, I think, is that I spent too much time on the west coast when I was in the US Navy during WW2 and the Korean War. In those days it took thirty to forty-five minutes to drive from Long Beach to LA, and maybe an hour to get from Coronado to San Diego, because of the slow ferry boat.

There's a big beautiful bridge across the bay now and some of the most expensive real estate in Southern California abuts the Naval station there. The bridge still exists, I know, because the OOD on the bridge of the LPD that I was on one summer in the mid-seventies decided that it was probably a good idea to signal "all back full" when he saw one of its stanchions looming up out of the fog early one Monday morning.

But to get back to the subject matter, my brother-in-law, who grew up growing hemp during the war in Lagrange- (how's that for word usage) joined the air force, and became a jet jocky, and retired to the Pacific where he lives on a rocky hill overlooking the ocean.

How appropriate that he has hemp farming experience and that he lives in Mendocino county! Now that's what you might call an amazing coincidence!

Would you believe that during the Korean War, I made several trips down highway 1 in my TG MG, without seeing any significant traffic. My ship shot out the rifling in the main battery in 1950, so we came back to replace our gun barrels.

So that's where they got the metal for all the Kias and Hyndais they keep sending us! They dig it up big chunks of it out in the countryside! Was that a battleship?

It wasn't much of a war, but at the time, it was the only war we had, and I was making almost $200 a month as a Lt.JG, Now that was the life!

Single and a Naval Officer! If it wasn't for the little matter of flunking too many classes at that little school the Navy runs in Maryland's capitol city on the Chesapeake I would have enjoyed that life, too.


Jonathan Fletcher
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