
What is Swap?



> On Apr 19, 2018, at 11:02 AM, Lee Larson <leelar...@me.com> wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2018, at 9:16 AM, Bill Rising <bris...@mac.com 
> <mailto:bris...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> So... why does macOS think that there are files it can delete at whim? 
>> Should I be worried that my irreplaceable [3] files could disappear if I 
>> copy a large file to the disk image?
> Have you ruled out swap?
> L^2
> ---
> ‌Lee Larson‌
> ‌leelar...@me.com <mailto:leelar...@me.com>‌
> ‌People say satire is dead. It's not dead; it's alive and living in the White 
> House. ‌— Robin Williams
> ‌‌
> ‌‌‌
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