I use a Jorno folding Keyboard with my iPad. It’s small but I find it 
manageable and it’s easily transported.

About 10” x 3.5” opened

5.75” x 3.5 folded


> On Apr 20, 2018, at 11:13 AM, Bill Rising <bris...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The keyboard on my unibody MBP (mid-2012, non-retina) is going on the fritz. 
> For about 3-4 months, the -g- key has been intermittent, but not in a 
> horrendous way. Now the -asdfg- keys have become completely intermittent in 
> horrible way [1]. Because these are all in a row, the hive wisdom of the web 
> says I need a new keyboard. Because Apple likes welding things together to 
> make computers into commodities, I need to replace the upper case, which runs 
> about $300 new (iFixit but out of stock, likely never to return), and $99 
> used (eBay). 
> Has anyone ever done this repair themselves? The directions on iFixit [2] 
> look to be an answer to the question "How do I wreck my computer in 46 easy 
> steps?", so I'm not feeling too confident.
> Failing this, does anyone have a good recommendation for a good wireless 
> keyboard I could carry around?
> Thanks,
> Bill
> P.S. You may be asking why I don't get my work to spring for a new 
> computer... and it's because Apple's new laptops neither have enough storage 
> nor can be upgraded. <rant>It's what happens when an accountant runs the 
> company and puts more emphasis on stock prices and tax dodging than 
> user-useful innovation.</rant>
> [1] I'm using an external keyboard to type this.
> [2] 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ifixit.com_Guide_MacBook-2BPro-2B15-2DInch-2BUnibody-2BMid-2B2012-2BUpper-2BCase-2BReplacement_10775-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F-5F&d=DwIFaQ&c=OAG1LQNACBDguGvBeNj18Swhr9TMTjS-x4O_KuapPgY&r=F2GFXrjLFqVo3VwvIlo_XYeEiRRjHv15rxcenz7A21woG2aFGcrzndoSsskxfmOs&m=W6WAXUf_P6xa71QPrl0yEbahZW1asa5ShS4Te0hlkVE&s=a4lTNdcrahc7fTpzd7nkOZeG3L8x6BJg26NI4o9JSHw&e=
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> Posting address: MacGroup@erdos.math.louisville.edu
> Archive: 
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