
I've been building single QtQuickVCP window UI's in the past, and today I 
try to build some tabs into my UI.
I'd like to have a tab with buttons, and a tab with IO's for inspecting HAL 
pins. So for this I looked into Machineface and I moved my buttons and hal 
pins to a different file.
Frankly I've mostly extended upon examples, and what happpened  was simple 
to follow but in Machineface I can't seem to find out what's happening when.

I have come up with the following setup:
3 files:
- UI.qml (this is the main app)
- Buttons_tab.qml (now holding what was previously in UI)
- Io_tab.qml

in UI.qml I've added:
    TabView {
        id: mainTab
        frameVisible: false
        anchors.left: toolBar.right
        anchors.right: displayPanel.left
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        anchors.rightMargin: Screen.pixelDensity
        anchors.leftMargin: Screen.pixelDensity

        Buttons_tab { }
        Io_tab { }

When running machinekit-client I get the message in the window after 

No error
pin count mismatch:pb comp=1 hal comp=24

I probably missed something trivial.
Any thoughts or pointers to understanding what I do wrong?


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