Thank you Justin and Bas for quick response.

I know about Mesa cards, but it takes too long to have it in my country. Legal 
procedures etc. or I need to spend a lot for quick cargo and custom taxes.. 
Besides I have two analog and one digital servo motor and drive thus I need at 
least two Mesa daughter card and one anything card like the one for pi or pcie 
etc. Which is very confusing for me.  So I am trying to find a solution for 
that. I am good at python programming and I know that using NML with machinekit 
is possible to control motors. I already have a pi3b+ and a pc :) so I just 
wanted to know if it's a good idea to spend some time on it or not.

I have no idea about pic programming nor electronics so I wanted to do 
something with what I already have.

About step frequency I have tested linuxcnc with parallel port and I have got 
1500 mm/min speed rate if just two axis runs at the same time. I do relief 
machining a lot and when z axis runs with X and y, speed drastically reduce to 
600 mm/min. This is because of the latency issues. Not to have latency issues I 
thought it would be good idea if I seperate the GUI and the step generator.

Since forums is here for brainstorming I just got the idea and shared with you 
to learn if it's a good idea or not.

Thank you again for your interest.


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