Le samedi 4 janvier 2020 03:33:39 UTC+1, justin White a écrit :
> I don't really understand what you mean here. I thought your problem was 
> the hardware outputs "stick". If "losing" the software enable from 
> Machinekit will drop an output and disconnect a relay then why isn't that 
> relay the drive enable for the KB drive? That's the only relay that needs 
> to disconnect to kill the drive.
Actually this relay is correctly managed for enable/disable the drive else 
if i kill GUI (after some delay) or push Estop, i have think about 
unconnect also the drive sig input because you make me paranoid with some 
older message ^^

As for the spindle orient thing, you are getting ahead of yourself (again). 
> Really shouldn't bother with something so convoluted until you see the 
> thing turn. Why don't you put that "spindle orient" thing in a separate hal 
> file, and once you see the thing run OK then you can add the second hal 
> file to your ini file.
Because i have some time now and like to use this time for preparing the 
job, i hope delivery for drive soon. I apologize but your setup make me 
wanting to fly too speed !
Today i have do some test turning the motor from hand and i "have 
understand" regarding to the schematics that i need to use a scale.2.gain 
1.11111    (400ppr/360) resulting to 360 pulse per rev for 
orient.pid.feedback and orient.position
But i have not understand what the author have writes "Set to1/360" "Scaled 
to give 0 to 1 /rev" "Encoder Scaled to give 0 to 360 /rev"
I have see that this encoder 400ppr is not really accurate with the scale 
1.11111 the precision from 2 position is 0.9 to 1.8 for 1degree   /    4.5 
to 5.4 for 5 degree  : maybee this is only some bad settings (but one full 
rev is exactly 360 degree)

For what i have try and see the basic work fine from "halcmd show" 
regarding to the mux2 or2 and2 near2. 
You are right for remove this parts when i receive the drive and restart 
this spindle (i have already test to comment out and uncomment 2 line in 
spinlde section for return to normal) but another time i apologize and for 
sure you are right.

For now the most problem is to be sure to not forget something for spindle 
"really important" like this scale on the orient input from encoder or 
something like this.
Studying for create whatchdog. 
Another problem is i don't really know how to check the status from this 
particular pin hpg.encoder.00.chan.00.index-pin.

I don't know how to thank you enough for your time and interest !


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